CIMA P1 - Management Accounting Question Tutorial : CIMAPRO15-P01-X1-ENG valid dumps

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Exam Code: CIMAPRO15-P01-X1-ENG

Exam Name: P1 - Management Accounting Question Tutorial

Updated: Jan 14, 2025

Q & A: 67 Questions and Answers

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CIMA P1 - Management Accounting Question Tutorial Sample Questions:

1. XY, a not-for-profit charity organization which is funded by public donations, is concerned that it is not making the best use of its available funds. It has carried out a review of its budgeting system and is considering
replacing the current system with a zero-based budgeting system.
Select ALL the potential advantages AND disadvantages for the charity of a zero-based budgeting system.

A) The creation of decision packages and their subsequent ranking by top management is very time consuming and costly. The charity will need to assess whether the benefits of the system outweigh the costs involved.
B) In an organization like a charity, the decision packages are not very disparate and difficult t compare.
C) It avoids the complacency inherent in the traditional incremental approach where it is assumed that future activities will be very similar to current ones.
D) It discourages a questioning approach by focusing attention not only on the cost of the activity but on the benefits it provides. The charity managers will not articulate the benefits encouraging them to think clearly about the activities.
E) Preparation of the decision packages will normally require the environment of many employees. This environment may produce useful ideas and promote job satisfaction.
F) In applying traditional budgeting, 'activities' may result in functional departments rather than cross functional activities and thus distract attention from the real cost-reduction issues.

2. TP makes wedding cakes that are sold to specialist retail outlets which decorate the cakes according to the customers' specific requirements. The standard cost per unit of its most popular cake is as follows:

The general market prices at the time of purchase for Ingredient A and Ingredient B were $23 per kg and $20 per kg respectively. TP operates a JIT purchasing system for ingredients and a JIT production system; therefore, there was no inventory during the period.
What was the material yield variance?

A) The material yield variance was $155 000 A
B) The material yield variance was $175 000 A
C) The material yield variance was $155 500 A
D) The material yield variance was $98 500 A
E) The material yield variance was $175 500 A

3. A company sells and services photocopying machines. Its sales department sells the machines and consumables, including ink and paper, and its service department provides an after sales service to its customers. The after sales service includes planned maintenance of the machine and repairs in the event of a machine breakdown. Service department customers are charged an amount per copy that differs depending on the size of the machine.
The company's existing costing system uses a single overhead rate, based on total sales revenue from copy charges, to charge the cost of the Service Department's support activities to each size of machine. The Service Manager has suggested that the copy charge should more accurately reflect the costs involved. The company's accountant has decided to implement an activity-based costing system and has obtained the following information about the support activities of the service department:

Calculate the annual profit per machine for each of the three sizes of machine, using the current basis for charging the costs of support activities to machines.

A) The profit per machine for the medium machine was: $1350
B) The profit per machine for the medium machine was: $1376
C) The profit per machine for the medium machine was: $1250
D) The profit per machine for the medium machine was: $1276

4. TP makes wedding cakes that are sold to specialist retail outlets which decorate the cakes according to the customers' specific requirements. The standard cost per unit of its most popular cake is as follows:

The general market prices at the time of purchase for Ingredient A and Ingredient B were $23 per kg and $20 per kg respectively. TP operates a JIT purchasing system for ingredients and a JIT production system; therefore, there was no inventory during the period.
Discuss the usefulness of the planning and operational variances calculated for TP's management.
Select ALL the TRUE statements.

A) Where a revision of standards is required due to environmental changes that were not foreseeable at the time the budget was prepared, the planning variances are controllable.
B) Standards that failed to anticipate known market trends when they were set will reflect faulty standard setting.
C) The use of planning and operational variances will enable TP's management to draw a distinction between variances caused by factors extraneous to the business and planning errors (planning variances) and variances caused by factors that are within the control of management (operational variances).
D) If planning and operational variances are not distinguished, there is potential for dysfunctional behavior especially where the manager has been operating efficiently and performance is being judged by factors outside the manager's control. In the case of TP it became evident during the period that the prevailing market prices for materials were significantly less than those set during the budget process.
E) The purchasing manager's performance can't be compared with the adjusted standards that reflect the conditions the manager actually operated under during the reporting period.

5. A medium-sized manufacturing company, which operates in the electronics industry, has employed a firm of consultants to carry out a review of the company's planning and control systems. The company presently uses a traditional incremental budgeting system and the inventory management system is based on economic order quantities (EOQ) and reorder levels. The company's normal production patterns have changed significantly over the previous few years as a result of increasing demand for customized products. This has resulted in shorter production runs and difficulties with production and resource planning.
The consultants have recommended the implementation of activity based budgeting and a manufacturing resource planning system to improve planning and resource management.
How will a manufacturing resource planning system improve the planning of purchases and production for the company?
Select ALL the correct answers.

A) A manufacturing resource planning approach to the management of all the company's manufacturing
resources including inventory, labour and machine capacity.
B) The traditional approach to determine material requirements is to monitor inventories constantly; whenever they fall to a predetermined level, a preset order is placed to replenish them. This traditional approach (involving re-order levels and economic order quantity calculations originates in the pre-computer era.
C) It aims to generate an estimation of materials requirements after taking account of the number of employees quality and waste. The TQS model can be used within MRP provided that the major assumption in the TQS model of constant demand applies.
D) The correct inventory management system relies on the assumption that there is constant demand. An MRP system begins with the setting of a master production schedule specifying both the timing and quantity demanded of each of the finished goods items and then works backwards to determine the resource requirements at each stage of the production process.
E) The technique will not enable managers to track orders through the manufacturing process and will not assist the purchasing and production control departments to move the right amount of material or sub- assemblies at the right time to the right place.
F) It seeks to ensure that resources are available just before they are needed by the next stage of production or dispatch. It also seeks to ensure that resources are delivered only when required so that raw material inventory is kept to a minimum.


Question # 1
Answer: A,C,E
Question # 2
Answer: B
Question # 3
Answer: D
Question # 4
Answer: B,C,D
Question # 5
Answer: A,B,D,F

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