IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation : C9560-507 valid dumps

C9560-507 real exams

Exam Code: C9560-507

Exam Name: IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation

Updated: Jan 16, 2025

Q & A: 120 Questions and Answers

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IBM Tivoli Monitoring Implementation Exam Certification Details:

Books / TrainingIBM Tivoli Monitoring 6.3 for Implementers
Sample QuestionsIBM Tivoli Monitoring Implementation Sample Questions
Exam NameIBM Certified Deployment Professional - Tivoli Monitoring V6.3
Schedule ExamPearson VUE
Duration90 mins
Exam CodeC9560-507
Exam Price$200 (USD)
Passing Score74%
Number of Questions68


IBM C9560-507 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Configuration-Given installed base components of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) and the ITM installation guide, the deployment architecture and basic knowledge of the ITM solution, configure the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (TEMS) so that TEMS can run according to required business needs.
-Given installed base components of the ITM and installed DBMS for Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS) and Tivoli Data Warehouse (TDW), the IBM Tivoli Monitoring installation guide, the deployment architecture and basic knowledge of the ITM solution, configure the TEPS so that the ITM environment can run according to required business needs.
-Given installed base components of the ITM and installed DBMS for TDW, the ITM installation guide, the deployment architecture and basic knowledge of the ITM solution, configure the Summarization and Pruning Agent (SPA) so that the SPA can run according to required business needs.
-Given installed base components of the ITM and installed DBMS for Data Warehouse, the ITM installation guide, the deployment architecture and basic knowledge of the ITM solution, configure the Warehouse Proxy so that the Warehouse Proxy can run according to required business needs.
-Given installed base components of the ITM and the ITM installation guide, the deployment architecture and basic knowledge of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Solution, configure the OS monitoring agent so that the OS monitoring agent can run according to required business needs.
-Given installed base components of the ITM and the ITM installation guide, the deployment architecture and basic knowledge of the ITM solution, configure the Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) so that the TEP can run according to required business needs.
-Given a working ITM environment, configure components so that ITM is highly available.
-Given access to event management system, TEMS, and installation guides, configure the integration with event management so that ITM integration to the Event Management System can be completed.
-Given a deployed and running ITM Infrastructure (TEP, TEPS, TEMS and/or secondary TEMS), configure agents so that they are correctly connected to a TEMS.
-Given a working ITM environment, installed and configured WPA and SPA and Application Support for selected agents, and a customer's historical data collection and reporting requirements, configure historical data collection so that required historical data can be collected, summarized and pruned correctly.
-Given an installed ITM environment at required version level, the knowledge of the ITM tool, the target business requirement, take the required actions so that range partitioning for TDW can be completed.
-Given a working ITM environment describe the functions of Agent Management Services (AMS) so that it can be used to monitor and manage agents.
Administration-Given an installed and running IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) environment, and the knowledge of the ITM products, verify the installed components are running appropriately so that their connection status to the Hub can be confirmed.
-Given a running ITM V6.3 Infrastructure that is installed and configured correctly and ITM administrator User ID, use the TEP interface so that users are created with appropriate access rights and roles.
-Given an installed, configured and running ITM environment, and knowledge of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring product, access the TEP so that data visibility for monitored items can be demonstrated and confirmed.
-Given a working ITM environment and the authority to create situations, examine the product provided situations and create a custom situation so that customer requirements can be met.
-Given a working ITM environment, periodically verify ITM disk space so that normal operation and file growth are accommodated.
-Given access to an implemented ITM system, back up the TEPS database so that a restore of the TEPS database can be successfully performed, if required.
-Given a working ITM environment, back up the Hub TEMS objects so that after restoration, the Hub TEMS is fully operational at the state in which the backup was taken.
Planning-Given a customer with a timeline, determine the scope of a monitoring project so that a Statement of Work and project plan are created.
-Given the requirements to implement ITM 6.3 and the knowledge of the customer's organization, determine what is to be monitored so that there is an understanding of customer's monitoring requirements.
-Given the customer network diagram and a basic ITM 6.3 architecture, identify network ports and request to open and test the networking so that firewall requirements are outlined and verified.
-Given the customer's operating environment and monitoring requirements, determine the OS agent platforms so that corresponding OS agents can be deployed.
-Given the ITM High Availability (HA) Guide and the customer's business needs, determine the customer's requirement for a high availability environment so that an ITM 6.3 HA design plan is created.
-Given the sizing and the architecture of the monitoring environment, determine how many Hub Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server (Hub TEMS) and RTEMS are necessary to support the monitoring environment so that an initial version of an ITM V6.3 solution architecture document is created.
-Given the customer's monitoring and reporting requirements and the ITM 6.x Warehouse Load Projections spreadsheet, determine the length of historical data collection and size the data warehouse so that historical configuration parameters have been defined and the required storage capacity for historical data is identified.
-Given the ITM 6.3 architecture document with estimated agents to be deployed, define the size of the ITM 6.3 environment so that the appropriate hardware will be deployed.
-Given the LDAP or Active Directory server to authenticate, define the authentication method so that the authentication method is defined.
-Given an understanding of customer's monitoring requirements, review authorization options and define TEPS user groups as required so that TEPS users will have access and permissions required to perform assigned monitoring functions.
-Given a basic understanding of ITM software implementation and knowledge of the ITM installation documentation, review the ITM Installation and Setup Guide and run the prerequisite scanner so that ITM prerequisites are determined.
-Given a basic knowledge of ITM architecture concepts , ITM deployment, and the customer's monitoring requirements, determine the most appropriate installation methods so that an implementation and deployment plan for Tivoli Monitoring infrastructure and monitoring agents is developed.
-Given the scope of the monitoring project and a knowledge of the customer's monitoring environment, review available event management facilities and document any need for ITM event integration so that ITM events can be displayed on an event management console if required.
-Given knowledge of customer's monitoring requirements and knowledge of what is to be monitored, assess whether there is a need for agentless monitoring, as well as or instead of standard OS agents, in the ITM environment so that requirements for agentless monitoring can be included in the ITM architecture diagram and hardware resources to support agentless monitoring can be sized appropriately.
-Given experience and knowledge with ITM, describe the features and functions that allow ITM agents to run independently of the TEMS so that the features and functions of Agent Autonomy have been described.
-Given a knowledge of ITM concepts and the customer's operating environment, determine what type(s) of the TEP client will be used so that ITM users can be provided with accurate instructions on accessing the TEP client.
-Given the dashboard requirements for an organization, describe requirements for JAZZ and Dash so that business needs are met.
-Given the data reporting requirements for an organization, describe requirements for Jazz and Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR) so that business needs are met.
Installation-Given the scope of the monitoring project and a statement of what is to be monitored, verify the compatibility of IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM) and customer software components and download required ITM software install media so that correct version of each required ITM component is available to install.
-Given an ITM Installation and Deployment Guide, an action plan to address any inadequate or missing requirements and a basic knowledge of the ITM deployment and the servers where each component is to be installed, install the OS, hardware and software prerequisites so that requirements for all ITM infrastructure components are fulfilled.
-Given the installation media and the host system, install and configure the supporting RDBMS so that it supports the TDW and/or the TEPS.
-Given the ITM 6.3 architecture, take the required actions for Hub TEMS , RTEMS, TEPS, Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) client, TDW and the agents so that the components of ITM environment are installed.
-Given the storage capacity and installation media, populate the depot so that the remote installation of OS and non OS agent can be completed.
-Given an installed ITM environment at required version level, the knowledge of the ITM tool, the target business requirement and enabled self describing feature on TEPS, supported agents, and any remote TEMS, take the required actions so that self-describing agent capability can be deployed.
-Given basic knowledge of ITM and agent installation, use the self-describing agent feature correctly and install application support at the TEMS and TEPS as required so that agent monitoring data will be displayed correctly in the TEP.
Performance Tuning and Problem Determination-Given access to IBM Tivoli Monitoring (ITM), review the installation logs so that errors or failures can be identified.
-Given access to a correctly implemented ITM, set the Java Heap Size so that the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server (TEPS) can handle multiple concurrent logins.
-Given access to the application and system log, review and analyze the logs so that any issues or error are identified.
-Given access to the server, enable user and component auditing so that all changes are tracked.
-Given access to the TEP with permission to modify situations, ensure that monitoring situations are running at an appropriate frequency so that the correct sampling frequency is entered per the customer requirements.
-Given the customer requirements and TEP access, review the self-monitoring topology so that the agents are distributed appropriately across the monitoring infrastructure.
-Given the number of concurrent users on an HTTP, Apache, or IIS Web server, tune the Web server so that concurrent users connectivity is optimized.
-Given access to the server, configure logging so that logging levels and parameters are set appropriately for the production environment.

Bearable cost

We have to admit that the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation exam certification is difficult to get, while the exam fees is very expensive. So, some people want to prepare the test just by their own study and with the help of some free resource. They do not want to spend more money on any extra study material. But the exam time is coming, you may not prepare well. Here, I think it is a good choice to pass the exam at the first time with help of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation actual questions & answer rather than to take the test twice and spend more money, because the money spent on the IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation exam dumps must be less than the actual exam fees. Besides, we have the money back guarantee that you will get the full refund if you fail the exam. Actually, you have no risk and no loss. Actually, the price of our IBM IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.3 Implementation exam study guide is very reasonable and affordable which you can bear. In addition, we provide one year free update for you after payment. You don't spend extra money for the latest version. What a good thing.

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