Customizable experience from HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 test engine
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Because of the demand for people with the qualified skills about Huawei HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 certification and the relatively small supply, HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 exam certification becomes the highest-paying certification on the list this year. While, it is a tough certification for passing, so most of IT candidates feel headache and do not know how to do with preparation. In fact, most people are ordinary person and hard workers. The only way for getting more fortune and living a better life is to work hard and grasp every chance as far as possible. Gaining the H35-460-ENU HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 exam certification may be one of their drams, which may make a big difference on their life. As a responsible IT exam provider, our HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 exam prep training will solve your problem and bring you illumination.
Bearable cost
We have to admit that the HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 exam certification is difficult to get, while the exam fees is very expensive. So, some people want to prepare the test just by their own study and with the help of some free resource. They do not want to spend more money on any extra study material. But the exam time is coming, you may not prepare well. Here, I think it is a good choice to pass the exam at the first time with help of the HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 actual questions & answer rather than to take the test twice and spend more money, because the money spent on the HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 exam dumps must be less than the actual exam fees. Besides, we have the money back guarantee that you will get the full refund if you fail the exam. Actually, you have no risk and no loss. Actually, the price of our Huawei HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 exam study guide is very reasonable and affordable which you can bear. In addition, we provide one year free update for you after payment. You don't spend extra money for the latest version. What a good thing.
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Huawei HCIA-5G-RAN V1.0 Sample Questions:
1. Which of the following boards cannot be reset by command?
2. 5G RAN version 2.0 gNodeB supports the default routing domain with a VRF index of 0.
A) True
B) False
3. When debugging the NR base station through the near end of the USB flash drive, which of the following conditions will cause the RU indicator of the main control board to be in the "load failed" state?
A) The base station recognizes that the base station corresponding to the USB flash drive is not the current base station
B) The data in the USB flash drive is not protected by integrity protection and encryption
C) The data profile loaded by the network element through the USB flash drive last time is consistent with the data profile in the USB flash drive
D) The file format or self-recording in the USB flash drive is illegal
4. Which of the following X2 interconnect schemes are supported by LTE and NR base stations?
A) Support for interconnection via RF modules
B) Support common frame separation of the main control, through the backplane interconnection
C) Support is implemented by transporting traditional IPRAN
D) Support interconnection through CI
5. For the description of NSA networking, which items are correct?
A) User data for gNBs can be sent directly to the EPC
B) UE signaling can be sent directly to gNB
C) User data of gNB can be forwarded via eNB
D) UE signaling can only be forwarded via eNB
Question # 1 Answer: C,D | Question # 2 Answer: A | Question # 3 Answer: B,D | Question # 4 Answer: B,C | Question # 5 Answer: A,C,D |
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