Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer : Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer valid dumps

Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer real exams

Exam Code: Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer

Exam Name: Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer

Updated: Jan 20, 2025

Q & A: 213 Questions and Answers

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Bearable cost

We have to admit that the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam certification is difficult to get, while the exam fees is very expensive. So, some people want to prepare the test just by their own study and with the help of some free resource. They do not want to spend more money on any extra study material. But the exam time is coming, you may not prepare well. Here, I think it is a good choice to pass the exam at the first time with help of the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer actual questions & answer rather than to take the test twice and spend more money, because the money spent on the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam dumps must be less than the actual exam fees. Besides, we have the money back guarantee that you will get the full refund if you fail the exam. Actually, you have no risk and no loss. Actually, the price of our Google Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam study guide is very reasonable and affordable which you can bear. In addition, we provide one year free update for you after payment. You don't spend extra money for the latest version. What a good thing.

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Exam Details and Topics

As for the qualifying exam, you need to know that it can only be taken in the English language, and the candidates have two hours for its completion. The question formats of the test include multiple choice and multiple select. The cost for taking the Professional Cloud Network Engineer certification exam is $200. You can choose to sit for it as an online proctored or an on-site proctored option.


Topics of Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer Exam

Candidates must know the exam topics before they start of preparation. because it will really help them in hitting the core. Our Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer Dumps will include the following topics:

Network architectures, this individual ensures successful cloud implementations using the command line interface or the Google Cloud Platform Console.

1. Designing, planning, and prototyping a GCP network

Designing the overall network architecture

  • IAM and security
  • Container networking
  • Meeting business requirements
  • Options for high availability
  • DNS strategy (e.g., on-premises, Cloud DNS, GSLB)
  • Optimizing for latency (e.g., MTU size, caches, CDN)
  • Choosing the appropriate load balancing options
  • Understanding how quotas are applied per project and per VPC
  • Hybrid connectivity (e.g., Google private access for hybrid connectivity)
  • Microsegmentation for security purposes (e.g., using metadata, tags)
  • Failover and disaster recovery strategy
  • SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS services

Designing a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Considerations include:

  • CIDR range for subnets
  • IP addressing (e.g., static, ephemeral, private)
  • Multiple vs. single
  • Firewall (e.g., service account-based, tag-based)
  • Differences between Google Cloud Networking and other cloud platforms
  • Routes
  • Multi-zone and multi-region
  • Peering
  • Standalone or shared

Designing a hybrid network. Considerations include:

  • Bandwidth
  • Shared vs. standalone VPC interconnect access
  • Using interconnect (e.g., dedicated vs. partner)
  • Failover and disaster recovery strategy (e.g., building high availability with BGP using cloud router)
  • Cloud Router
  • IPsec VPN
  • Cross-organizational access
  • Peering options (e.g., direct vs. carrier)

Designing a container IP addressing plan for Google Kubernetes Engine

2. Implementing a GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

Configuring VPCs. Considerations include:

  • Creating a shared VPC and explaining how to share subnets with other projects
  • Configuring GCP VPC resources (CIDR range, subnets, firewall rules, etc.)
  • Configuring VPC peering
  • Configuring API access (private, public, NAT GW, proxy)
  • Configuring VPC flow logs

Configuring routing. Tasks include:

  • Configuring internal static/dynamic routing
  • Configuring NAT (e.g., Cloud NAT, instance-based NAT)
  • Configuring routing policies using tags and priority

Configuring and maintaining Google Kubernetes Engine clusters. Considerations include:

  • Clusters with shared VPC
  • Cluster network policy
  • Adding authorized networks for cluster master access
  • Private clusters
  • VPC-native clusters using alias IPs

Configuring and managing firewall rules. Considerations include:

  • Ingress and egress rules
  • Priority
  • Firewall logs
  • Network protocols
  • Target network tags and service accounts

3. Configuring network services

Configuring load balancing. Considerations include:

  • Internal load balancer
  • TCP and SSL proxy load balancers
  • Firewall and security rules
  • Capacity scaling
  • Session affinity
  • Creating backend services
  • Network load balancer
  • HTTP(S) load balancer: including changing URL maps, backend groups, health checks, CDN, and SSL certs

Configuring Cloud CDN. Considerations include:

  • Enabling and disabling Cloud CDN
  • Cache invalidation
  • Using cache keys
  • Signed URLs

Configuring and maintaining Cloud DNS. Considerations include:

  • Integrating on-premises DNS with GCP
  • Migrating to Cloud DNS
  • Global serving with Anycast
  • Managing zones and records
  • DNS Security (DNSSEC)
  • Internal DNS
  • Cloud DNS

Enabling other network services. Considerations include:

  • Enabling private API access
  • Distributing backend instances using regional managed instance groups
  • Canary (A/B) releases
  • Health checks for your instance groups

4. Implementing hybrid interconnectivity

Configuring interconnect. Considerations include:

  • Partner (e.g., layer 2 vs. layer 3 connectivity)
  • Bulk storage uploads
  • Virtualizing using VLAN attachments

Configuring a site-to-site IPsec VPN (e.g., route-based, policy-based, dynamic or static routing).

Configuring Cloud Router for reliability.

5. Implementing network security

Configuring identity and access management (IAM). Tasks include:

  • Viewing account IAM assignments
  • Assigning IAM roles to accounts or Google Groups
  • Defining custom IAM roles
  • Using pre-defined IAM roles (e.g., network admin, network viewer, network user)

Configuring Cloud Armor policies. Considerations include:

  • IP-based access control

Configuring third-party device insertion into VPC using multi-nic (NGFW)

Managing keys for SSH access

6. Managing and monitoring network operations

Logging and monitoring with Stackdriver or GCP Console

Managing and maintaining security. Considerations include:

  • Firewalls (e.g., cloud-based, private)
  • Diagnosing and resolving IAM issues (shared VPC, security/network admin)

Maintaining and troubleshooting connectivity issues. Considerations include:

  • Draining and redirecting traffic flows
  • Troubleshooting Cloud Router BGP peering issues
  • Monitoring ingress and egress traffic using flow logs
  • Identifying traffic flow topology (e.g., load balancers, SSL offload, network endpoint groups)
  • Monitoring firewall logs
  • Managing and troubleshooting VPNs
  • Cross-connect handoff for interconnect

Monitoring, maintaining, and troubleshooting latency and traffic flow. Considerations include:

Network throughput and latency testing Routing issues Tracing traffic flow

7. Optimizing network resources

Optimizing traffic flow. Considerations include:

  • Expanding subnet CIDR ranges in service
  • Global vs. regional dynamic routing
  • Load balancer and CDN location
  • Accommodating workload increases (e.g., autoscaling vs. manual scaling)

Optimizing for cost and efficiency. Considerations include:

  • VPN vs. interconnect
  • Automation
  • Cost optimization (Network Service Tiers, Cloud CDN, autoscaler [max instances])
  • Bandwidth utilization (e.g., kernel sys tuning parameters)

Customizable experience from Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine

Most IT candidates prefer to choose Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine rather than the pdf format dumps. After all, the pdf dumps have some limits for the people who want to study with high efficiency. Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine is an exam test simulator with customizable criteria. The questions are occurred randomly which can test your strain capacity. Besides, score comparison and improvement check is available by Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine, that is to say, you will get score and after each test, then you can do the next study plan according to your weakness and strengths. Moreover, the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine is very intelligent, allowing you to set the probability of occurrence of the wrong questions. Thus, you can do repetition training for the questions which is easy to be made mistakes. While the interface of the test can be set by yourself, so you can change it as you like, thus your test looks like no longer dull but interesting. In addition, the Google Cloud Platform Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine can be installed at every electronic device without any installation limit. You can install it on your phone, doing the simulate test during your spare time, such as on the subway, waiting for the bus, etc. Finally, I want to declare the safety of the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine. Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer test engine is tested and verified malware-free software, which you can rely on to download and installation.

Candidates for Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer Certification Exam

The candidates who decide to take the Google Professional Cloud Network Engineer test are those interested in consolidating their knowledge of how to manage the Google Cloud Platform. They already have at least one year of experience working with the architecture and want to leverage their skills in implementing hybrid connectivity, VPCs, and network services. Besides, they are interested in becoming part of cloud teams that include architects specialized in Google Cloud Platform management. In addition, the target audience for this test is formed of individuals who have at least three years of industry experience and want to successfully implement cloud solutions with the help of Google Cloud Platform Console and the command line interface.

Because of the demand for people with the qualified skills about Google Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer certification and the relatively small supply, Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam certification becomes the highest-paying certification on the list this year. While, it is a tough certification for passing, so most of IT candidates feel headache and do not know how to do with preparation. In fact, most people are ordinary person and hard workers. The only way for getting more fortune and living a better life is to work hard and grasp every chance as far as possible. Gaining the Professional-Cloud-Network-Engineer Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam certification may be one of their drams, which may make a big difference on their life. As a responsible IT exam provider, our Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Network Engineer exam prep training will solve your problem and bring you illumination.

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