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GED Language Arts - Writing (Essay Writing Exam) Sample Questions:
1. -- Exhibit -
Ethnic Architecture
A) Many of us today take for granted certain features of a house and forget that someone had to invent them.D.The veranda, a covered porch that wraps around the front of many southern houses is probably an adaptation of overhanging roofs found all over the world.E.In addition to the veranda, the South is known for its cooking and its hospitality.(6) Long ago, home builders responded to hot, humid climates by making the cooling shade of a porch a common feature of houses in such places as West Africa, Asia, and the Mediterranean area.
For instance, French settlers in New Orleans tried to put the frames of their homes directly on the ground as they had done in France; however, the heat, humidity, and abundant rainfall caused the homes to rot within a few years.(8) The settlers learned a lesson by observing the West Indian Creoles, which built raised houses with many doors and windows to keep cool.
Some settlers, like those from Germany, held on to their old building methods even though such methods were no longer necessary.(10) Because of a shortage of wood in some parts of Germany, builders had constructed half-timber houses; they used clay or brick to save wood.(11) When German immigrants settled in Wisconsin where wood was abundant, they still built their familiar half-timber homes.(12) European peasants and their
animals once shared a shelter called a "house-barn," which allowed immediate care for the animals during harsh whether.(13) Today's covered breezeways serve a related purpose of protecting people who need to go to their"car barns,"or garages.
No matter which country settlers started from, they brought home-building traditions.(15) Some they changed to adapt to their new land, some they abandoned,and some their descendants still use today. -- Exhibit -Sentence Here is a question that is not as silly as it sound:Have you ever wondered why houses are shaped the way they are? Which correction should be made to sentence 1?
B) change they are to they is
C) change sound to sounds
D) insert a comma after question
E) Here is a question that is not as silly as it sound:Have you ever wondered why houses are shaped the way they are? B.Bringing with them many different ideas about how to build a house, settlers from around the world have come to the United States for centuries.
F) insert a comma after wondered
G) change Have to Has
2. -- Exhibit-
-- Exhibit -
Sentence 10:If you are having any questions or be needing additional information, please contact me.
The most effective revision of sentence 10 would begin with which group of words?
A) Please, if questions you have
B) If you have any questions or need
C) If you were having any questions or were needing
D) If you had any questions or need
E) Needing additional information or if you were having
3. Which is the best way to write the underlined portion of this sentence? If the original is the best way, choose optionA.
A) looks like silver and contains
B) looking like silver and containing
C) looked like silver and containing
D) looks like silver and containing
E) looked like silver and contained
4. -- Exhibit- -- Exhibit -
Sentence 1 Regular delivery service is $4.00, for any document or package weighing less than three pounds.
Which correction should be made to sentence 14?
A) remove the comma after $4.00
B) no correction is necessary
C) change service to services
D) insert a comma after package
E) insert a comma after document
5. -- Exhibit -
The Internet
A) was to share
B) is to be sharing
C) sharing
D) We use the Internet or hear about it almost daily.B.However, there was a time when the Internet was known to just a network of scientists who used it as a means to communicate research information.C.They lived all over the world, the idea of calling on the phone was a major problem and a major expense.D.Faxing was a problem also if they wanted to keep their ideas secret.E.This group of international scientists needed a means to share their information with each other.
In 1989, computer scientist Timothy Berners-Lee created a system that enabled an elite group of scientists to communicate with one another.(7) The original goal of the scientists is to share information that was number- and text-based.(8) This format was an easy procedure for the early computers and computer programs to use.
Many other people were interested in this"new"exchange of information for a few reasons.(10) It was much cheaper than a long distance phone call or fax, and it provided some privacy.(11) Soon, others were experimenting with this new communication device.(12) Eventually, a group of people at the Massachusetts Institute of technology
developed the World Wide Web.
Changes that are made in computers and the way they communicate with each other provide the opportunity for the Web to evolve.(14) This evolution continue to change the way we all communicatewith each other, too.(15) To do more than just communicate today, the Web is used.(16) Its a valuable marketing and selling tool for businesses.(17) How interesting to think of the many new ways that this technology shaping our future. -- Exhibit -Which is the best way to write the underlined portion of this sentence? If the original is the best way, choose optionA.
E) was to be sharing
F) is to share
Question # 1 Answer: A | Question # 2 Answer: B | Question # 3 Answer: A | Question # 4 Answer: A | Question # 5 Answer: F |
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