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Microsoft Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions to Large Organizations Sample Questions:
1. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Proseware, Inc., an online bookstore that has $30 million in annual sales.
Company Background
Proseware, Inc., has a main office in New York and branch offices in the United States,
Greece, and Malaysia. The company anticipates that sales will continue to grow this year.
Network Description
The company network contains 700 desktops that run Microsoft Windows XP Professional.
Two hundred of the desktops run Microsoft Office 2000 Professional, which is covered by
Software Assurance that expires in 13 months. The other 500 desktops run Office 2000
Standard, which is not covered by Software Assurance. The current desktop environment meets the company??s needs.
The network contains 100 Windows NT Server 4.0 servers that run the companys online
Web services. The company wants to upgrade all the servers to Windows Server 2003.
However, there is not enough budget to upgrade this year. The company is considering a
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 deployment, and it expects to purchase about 20 additional servers during the next three years.
Current Licensing Solution
Proseware, Inc., currently purchases Microsoft software through an Open Volume agreement. In the past, the company made license-only purchases on all server software licenses and did not invest in Software Assurance. Because of the geographical locations of the company offices, managing licenses is difficult.
Business Goals
The chief executive officer (CEO) states that the information technology (IT) department is too busy managing the server infrastructure. The IT department has the following goals:
Increase the security of the network.
Maintain stability in the organizations infrastructure.
Ensure that the technology on new servers is kept current.
Increase the return on IT investments.
The IT department does not have time for basic desktop help desk requests. The department wants to find ways to gain additional technical support from Microsoft on desktop and server products that are purchased.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend a licensing solution for Proseware, Inc. What additional information do you need?
A) the additional desktop software that is in use
B) the expected growth in sales for the next three years
C) the expected growth in employees for the next three years
D) the type of server software that the company plans to deploy in the next three years
2. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Contoso Pharmaceuticals, a growing pharmaceutical company.
Company Background
Contoso Pharmaceuticals has two divisions in the United States, one division in
Switzerland, and two divisions in England. The company is purchasing a small competitor in Germany that has a Select License agreement at Level A for applications and systems.
The agreement includes Software Assurance Membership.
In the past year, Contoso Pharmaceuticals expanded much more rapidly than it had anticipated. The companys growth will likely continue. Additional competitors might be acquired.
Network Description
The Contoso Pharmaceuticals network contains 11,500 desktops. The desktops run
Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Desktops in most locations run Microsoft Office
Professional. Desktops in some locations run third-party applications. The company network contains Microsoft Exchange servers and Microsoft Windows servers.
Current Licensing Solution
Contoso Pharmaceuticals holds a Select 6.x License agreement. When the company entered the Select License agreement, the number of forecasted purchases qualified
Contoso Pharmaceuticals for the Level B discount in applications and systems. As the company approaches its first anniversary, it has accumulated 20,000 points in the
Applications pool and 12,000 points in the Systems pool.
Business Goals
Each division plans and budgets its own software purchases. This purchase model works for Contoso Pharmaceuticals, but the executive team wants to look for ways to optimize the companys information technology (IT) investments and to ensure a more predictable budget.
The executive team is evaluating whether it should manage the IT environment and budget for the entire enterprise and standardize all desktops to use the same applications and operating systems. The team wants to save money and to ensure that collaboration among divisions and locations is more efficient. The team does not know if the benefits of standardization will outweigh the costs of training end users and the IT department to use the new software.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend a licensing solution for Contoso Pharmaceuticals. Which two additional pieces of information do you need? (Choose two.)
A) the number of servers and how the servers are currently licensed
B) whether the company has Software Assurance
C) the number of additional divisions that the company expects to add in the next three years
D) the number of internal IT support employees
E) the third-party software that is in use
3. The following seven questions all present the same scenario.
For your convenience, the scenario is repeated in each question. Each question presents a different goal, question sentence, and answer choices, but the text of the scenario is exactly the same in each question in this section.
You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Contoso Pharmaceuticals, a growing pharmaceutical company.
Company Background
Contoso Pharmaceuticals has two divisions in the United States, one division in
Switzerland, and two divisions in England. The company is purchasing a small competitor in Germany that has a Select License agreement at Level A for applications and systems.
The agreement includes Software Assurance Membership.
In the past year, Contoso Pharmaceuticals expanded much more rapidly than it had anticipated. The companys growth will likely continue. Additional competitors might be acquired.
Network Description
The Contoso Pharmaceuticals network contains 11,500 desktops. The desktops run
Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Desktops in most locations run Microsoft Office
Professional. Desktops in some locations run third-party applications. The company network contains Microsoft Exchange servers and Microsoft Windows servers.
Current Licensing Solution
Contoso Pharmaceuticals holds a Select 6.x License agreement. When the company entered the Select License agreement, the number of forecasted purchases qualified
Contoso Pharmaceuticals for the Level B discount in applications and systems. As the company approaches its first anniversary, it has accumulated 20,000 points in the
Applications pool and 12,000 points in the Systems pool.
Business Goals
Each division plans and budgets its own software purchases. This purchase model works for Contoso Pharmaceuticals, but the executive team wants to look for ways to optimize the companys information technology (IT) investments and to ensure a more predictable budget.
The executive team is evaluating whether it should manage the IT environment and budget for the entire enterprise and standardize all desktops to use the same applications and operating systems. The team wants to save money and to ensure that collaboration among divisions and locations is more efficient. The team does not know if the benefits of standardization will outweigh the costs of training end users and the IT department to use the new software.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing solution for Contoso
Pharmaceuticals. What additional information do you need about the German company?
A) the current software acquisition process
B) the number of desktops
C) the number of employees
D) the version of Windows that the companys servers run
4. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is The Phone Company, a phone equipment manufacturer.
Company Background
The Phone Companys main office is in California. The company recently opened five sales offices in Mexico, Germany, India, Canada, and China. Each sales office has 20 employees.
Network Description
The Phone Company network contains 1,600 desktops that run Microsoft Windows 2000
Professional. Microsoft Project Professional runs on 50 of the desktops. Microsoft Project
Standard runs on 550 of the desktops.
The network contains 50 servers that run Microsoft Windows 2000 Server. In addition, six
SQL servers are licensed per processor. Other applications that are in use vary by location.
The company is planning the following technology changes:
Add Project Standard to all the desktops in the sales offices in Germany, India, and
Upgrade 50 servers to Windows Server 2003.
Implement Microsoft Systems Management Server.
Upgrade 300 desktops to Windows XP Professional.
Current Licensing Solution
The Phone Company has an Enterprise Agreement for all of the desktops in the company.
Each sales office acquires its own software and licenses additional products through separate Open Business agreements. Business GoalsThe Phone Company needs to increase efficiency in managing information technology (IT) purchases. The company wants to leverage the combined buying power of all the offices in order to get the best possible pricing. However, the company wants the flexibility of local purchasing, localized technical support, and localized products.
Network security is important to The Phone Company. The company plans to invest to ensure that the infrastructure is as secure as possible. The company realizes that all these plans require training for end users and for IT employees.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend Software Assurance to meet The Phone Companys business goals. Which Software Assurance benefit or benefits meet the business goals? (Choose all that apply.)
A) Extended Lifecycle Hotfix Support
B) Corporate Error Reporting (CER)
C) TechNet Plus
D) training vouchers
E) eLearning
F) Home Use Program
5. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Contoso Pharmaceuticals, a growing pharmaceutical company.
Company Background
Contoso Pharmaceuticals has two divisions in the United States, one division in
Switzerland, and two divisions in England. The company is purchasing a small competitor in Germany that has a Select License agreement at Level A for applications and systems.
The agreement includes Software Assurance Membership.
In the past year, Contoso Pharmaceuticals expanded much more rapidly than it had anticipated. The companys growth will likely continue. Additional competitors might be acquired.
Network Description
The Contoso Pharmaceuticals network contains 11,500 desktops. The desktops run
Microsoft Windows XP Professional. Desktops in most locations run Microsoft Office
Professional. Desktops in some locations run third-party applications. The company network contains Microsoft Exchange servers and Microsoft Windows servers.
Current Licensing Solution
Contoso Pharmaceuticals holds a Select 6.x License agreement. When the company entered the Select License agreement, the number of forecasted purchases qualified
Contoso Pharmaceuticals for the Level B discount in applications and systems. As the company approaches its first anniversary, it has accumulated 20,000 points in the
Applications pool and 12,000 points in the Systems pool.
Business Goals
Each division plans and budgets its own software purchases. This purchase model works for Contoso Pharmaceuticals, but the executive team wants to look for ways to optimize the companys information technology (IT) investments and to ensure a more predictable budget.
The executive team is evaluating whether it should manage the IT environment and budget for the entire enterprise and standardize all desktops to use the same applications and operating systems. The team wants to save money and to ensure that collaboration among divisions and locations is more efficient. The team does not know if the benefits of standardization will outweigh the costs of training end users and the IT department to use the new software.
End of repeated scenario
You need to identify the current software acquisition model for Contoso Pharmaceuticals.
Which model should you identify?
A) centralized software decision-making and decentralized purchasing
B) decentralized software decision-making and decentralized purchasing
C) decentralized software decision-making and centralized purchasing
D) centralized software decision-making and centralized purchasing
Question # 1 Answer: D | Question # 2 Answer: A,B | Question # 3 Answer: B | Question # 4 Answer: C,D,E | Question # 5 Answer: B |
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