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Microsoft Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions for Small and Medium Organizations Sample Questions:
1. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is A Datum Corporation, a fast-growing consulting company that specializes in customer relationship management solutions.
Company Background
A Datum Corporation owns the following interests in two other companies:
Owns 51 percent of Contoso, Ltd, which produces accounting systems
management software.
Owns 100 percent of Fabrikam, Inc., which produces and administers customer service training.
The number of company employees is shown in the following table.
All three companies have a flexible work environment that allows employees to work from home.
Network Description
All employees of all three companies have their own desktop. The desktops run either
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional, and various versions of
Microsoft Office.
The number of servers for each company is shown in the following table.
All servers currently run Windows 2000 Server.
The software refresh cycle is two years. However, it is difficult for the employees and the IT staff to keep current with the new technology.
Current Licensing Solution
The two affiliate companies do their own purchasing and often pay a higher price for their software than A Datum Corporation pays.
Business Goals
The three companies share many of the same customers and sometimes work on the same projects. The president of A Datum Corporation wants to implement Microsoft
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to allow the employees in all three companies to collaborate internally and to allow the customers of all three companies to access some of the data as needed.
The president of A Datum Corporation has the following goals:
Upgrade the servers in all three companies to Windows Server 2003.
Standardize operating systems across the companies.
Standardize desktop applications across the companies to decrease support costs.
Implement Microsoft Exchange across all three companies in the next six months so that all employees can use Outlook Web Access.
Sales are expected to increase significantly over the next three years, and the number of employees is also expected to increase.
End of repeated scenario
You need to ensure that the correct client access requirement is met for the companys
Exchange messaging solution.
What Exchange client access licensing will be required?
A) Exchange Server Device client access licenses (CALs)
B) Exchange Server User client access licenses (CALs)
C) External Connector
2. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Fourth Coffee, a small coffee retailer that specializes in coffee beans from around the world.
Company Background
Fourth Coffee was founded on September 4, 2003, and has 35 employees. The companys main office and 10 retail stores are located in Canada.
Due to budget constraints, Fourth Coffee does not have a dedicated IT department and can upgrade hardware and software only every four years.
Network Description
The main office has five desktops and two servers. One server runs Microsoft Small
Business Server 2003, and the second server runs Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, with Microsoft Office 2003 Professional Enterprise Edition through
Terminal Server.
Each retail store has a new desktop that connects to the terminal server in the main office.
Current Licensing Solution
Before Terminal Server was deployed, some older versions of Office were acquired through Full Package Product, and some older versions were preinstalled on desktops that were purchased one year ago. Some Office licenses were purchased with Software
Assurance through the Open Business program.
Confusion exists as to whether Fourth Coffee is properly licensed.
Business Goals
Fourth Coffee expects to open a total of 10 additional stores in England and Australia in the next year.
The company president wants to standardize all desktops on the latest version of Office
Professional, Enterprise Edition; Windows XP Professional; and Windows Server with
Terminal Server enabled.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate method for upgrading the Office licenses that were acquired through Full Package Product and OEM.
What should you recommend?
A) Purchase a new Office license through the Open Business program.
B) Purchase a version upgrade through the Open Business program.
C) Purchase version upgrades through a retail channel for both the OEM and Full Package
Product licenses.
D) Purchase Software Assurance for the OEM licenses.Purchase version upgrades through a retail channel for the Full Package Product licenses.
3. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Northwind Traders, a large ski equipment manufacturer.
Company Background
Northwind Traders has one location. The companys five departments are accounting, manufacturing, human resources (HR), sales, and information technology (IT). Business is cyclical. During peak periods, the company adds more employees. During slow periods, the number of employees is reduced.
Network Description
The number of desktops fluctuates between 300 and 400. The desktops run either
Microsoft Office 2000 Standard or Office XP Professional, and either Microsoft Windows
98, Windows 2000 Professional, or Windows XP Professional.
Twelve servers run Windows 2000 Advanced Server. Three of the servers run Microsoft
Exchange Server 5.5, and two of the servers run Microsoft SQL Server 7.0. The HR department stores personnel data on one of the servers. The accounting department runs all the accounting applications on two of the servers.
Current Licensing Solution
Northwind Traders currently purchases software through an Open Business agreement.
The company finds this agreement difficult to manage and not cost effective. The company is looking for ways to cut costs.
Business Goals
The sales department needs to implement a Web site to simplify customer ordering. To accomplish this goal, the department plans to purchase a new dual-processor server to host a SQL database. The database will store product information, and customers will be able to access the database.
The IT department recently installed Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server
2004 in addition to other third-party security products. The main goals of the IT department are to improve network security and to reduce costs.
The IT manager realizes that the company is losing money by using inefficient and out-of- date software. He wants to upgrade to the latest versions of SQL Server and Exchange
Server. However, the IT department would require additional training to use the latest versions.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate SQL Server license option for the sales department Web server. What should you recommend?
A) two SQL Server Per Processor Licenses
B) one SQL Server license and User Client Access Licenses (CALs)
C) one SQL Server license and Device Client Access Licenses (CALs)
4. What are the characteristics of a qualified desktop?
A) Any personal computers and similar devices used to do work for the company and capable of running enterprise products.Not included are computers running as a server only, computers running line-of-business software only, and systems running an embedded operating system.
B) Any personal computers and similar devices used to do work for the company and capable of running enterprise products. Included are home computers and mobile devices.
Not included are computers running as a server only, computers running line-of-business software only, and systems running an embedded operating system.
C) Any personal computers and similar devices used to do work for the company and capable of running enterprise products. Included are computers running as a server only, computers running line-of-business software, and systems running an embedded operating system.The devices must be purchased by the company during the term of its licensing agreement.
D) Any personal computers and similar devices used to do work for the company and capable of running enterprise products.Included are computers running as a server only, computers running line-of-business software, and systems running an embedded operating system. The devices must have a Microsoft Windows operating system.
5. You are a licensing specialist.
Your customer has 500 desktops. The desktops need to be replaced. The customer wants to standardize the desktops to run Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Office
Professional 2003.
he customer does not want to activate any of the 500 desktops.
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing solution.
What should you recommend?
A) Acquire licenses through an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). Add Software
B) Acquire licenses and Software Assurance through a volume licensing agreement.
C) Acquire licenses and Software Assurance through a retail channel.
Question # 1 Answer: B | Question # 2 Answer: A | Question # 3 Answer: A | Question # 4 Answer: A | Question # 5 Answer: A |
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