CompTIA Cloud+ Certification : CV0-001 valid dumps

CV0-001 real exams

Exam Code: CV0-001

Exam Name: CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam

Updated: Mar 08, 2025

Q & A: 565 Questions and Answers

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CompTIA Cloud+ Exam Certification Details:

Exam CodeCV0-001
Exam NameCompTIA Cloud+
Sample QuestionsCompTIA Cloud+ Sample Questions
Schedule ExamCompTIA Marketplace
Exam Price$294 (USD)
Number of Questions100
Duration90 mins
Books / TrainingCompTIA Cloud+ CV0-001
Passing Score750 / 900


CompTIA CV0-001 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Cloud Concepts and Models 12%
Compare and contrast cloud services.1. SaaS (according to NIST)2.IaaS (according to NIST)
3.PaaS (according to NIST)
6. DaaS
8. Accountability and responsibility based on service models
Compare and contrast cloud delivery models and services.1. Private2. Public
3. Hybrid
4. Community
5. On-premise vs. off-premise hosting
6. Accountability and responsibility based on delivery models
7.Security differences between models
  • Multi-tenancy issues
  • Data segregation
  • Network isolation
  • Check laws and regulations
8. Functionality and performance validation based on chosen delivery model
9. Orchestration platforms
Summarize cloud characteristics and terms.1. Elasticity2. On-demand self-service/just-in-time service
3. Pay-as-you-grow
4. Chargeback
5. Ubiquitous access
6. Metering resource pooling
7. Multi-tenancy
8. Cloud bursting
9. Rapid deployment
10. Automation
Explain object storage concepts.1. Object ID2. Metadata
3. Data/blob
4. Extended metadata
5. Policies
6. Replicas
7. Access control
Virtualization 19%
Explain the differences between hypervisor types.1.Type I and Type II
  • Bare metal vs. OS dependent
  • Performance and overhead considerations
  • Hypervisor-specific system requirements
2.Proprietary vs. open source
3.Consumer vs. enterprise use
  • Workstation vs. infrastructure
Install, configure and manage virtual machines and devices.1. Creating, importing and exporting template and virtual machines
2.Install guest tools
  • Drives
  • Management tools
3.Snapshots and cloning
4.Image backups vs. file backups
5.Virtual NIC
  • Virtual network
  • IP address
  • Default gateway
  • Netmask
  • Bridging
6.Virtual disks
  • Limits
7.Virtual switches
  • VLAN
  • Interface configuration
  • Assign IDs
  • Bind interfaces
  • Assign IDs

Given a scenario, perform virtual resource migration.1. Establish requirements2. Maintenance scheduling
3. Reasons
  • Performance issues
  • Testing
  • Upgrading
  • Utilization
4.Storage migration
  • Virtual vs. physica
5. Online vs. offline migrations
6. Physical to Virtual (P2V)
7. Virtual to Virtual (V2V)
8. Virtual to Physical (V2P)
Explain the benefits of virtualization in a cloud environment.1. Shared resources2. Elasticity
  • Time to service/mean time to implement
  • Resource pooling
  • Scalable
  • Available
  • Portable
3. Network and application isolation
4. Infrastructure consolidation
5. Virtual datacenter creation
Compare and contrast virtual components used to construct a cloud environment.1.Virtual network components
  • Virtual NIC
  • Virtual HBA
  • Virtual router
2. Shared memory
3. Virtual CPU
4.Storage virtualization
  • Shared storage
  • Clustered storage
  • NPIV
Infrastructure 21%
Compare and contrast various storage technologies.1.Network Attached Storage (NAS)
  • File level access
  • Shared storage
2.Direct Attached Storage (DAS)
  • Block level access
  • Dedicated storage
3.Storage Area Network (SAN)
  • Block level access
  • Shared storage
  • HBAs
  • LUN masking
  • Zoning
  • WWN
  • Fibre Channel protocols
4.Different access protocols
  • FCoE
  • FC
  • Ethernet
  • iSCSI
5.Protocols and applications
  • IP
  • FCP
  • iSCSI
6.Management differences

Explain storage configuration concepts.1.Disk types
  • SSD vs. spinning
  • Interfaces types
  • Access speed
  • Performance levels of each tier
  • Policies
3.RAID levels
  • RAID 1
  • RAID 0
  • RAID 1+0
  • RAID 0+1
  • RAID 5
  • RAID 6
4.File system types
  • UFS
  • EXT
  • NTFS
  • FAT
  • VMFS
  • ZFS

Execute storage provisioning.1. Creating LUNs2. Creating network shares
3. Zoning and LUN masking
5. Implications of adding capacity to a NAS and SAN
  • Impact to operations
  • Downtime
  • Best practices
Given a scenario, implement appropriate network configurations.1.NAT
2. PAT3.Subnetting/supernetting
4.VLAN and VLAN tagging
5. Network port configurations
6. Switching and routing in physical and virtual environments
  • Routing tables
Explain the importance of network optimization.1. WAN2. LAN
3. MAN
4. QoS
5. Bandwidth
6. Latency
7. Compression
8. Caching
9. Load balancing
10. Devices on the same subnet
Given a scenario, troubleshoot basic network connectivity issues.1.Tools
  • ping
  • tracert/traceroute
  • telnet
  • netstat
  • nslookup/dig
  • ipconfig/ifconfig
  • route
  • arp
2. Review documentation and evice configuration settings
3. Review system logs
Explain common network protocols, ports and topologies.1. Trunk ports2. Port binding/aggregation
3. Common ports
  • 80
  • 21
  • 22
  • 25
  • 53
  • 443
  • 68
4.Common protocols
  • HTTP
  • FTP
  • FTPS
  • SFTP
  • SSH
  • DNS
  • DHCP
  • SMTP
5.Types of networks
  • Intranet
  • Extranet
  • Internet

Explain common hardware resources and features used to enable virtual environments.1. BIOS/firmware configurations2. Minimum memory capacity and configuration
3. Number of CPUs
4. Number of cores
5.NICs quantity, speeds and configurations
6. Internal hardware compatibility
7. HBAs
8. Storage media
  • Tape
  • SSD
  • USB
  • Disk
Resource Management 13%
Given a scenario, implement and use proper resource monitoring techniques.1.Protocols
  • SNMP
  • WMI
  • IPMI
  • Syslog service
2.Alert methods
  • SMTP
  • SMS
  • SNMP
  • Web services
  • Syslog
3. Establish baselines and thresholds
4. Automated responses to specific events
5. Examine processes usage/resource usage
Given a scenario, appropriately allocate physical (host) resources using best practices.1. Memory2. CPU
3. Storage and network allocation
4. Entitlement/quotas (shares)
  • Hard limit
  • Soft limit
5. Reservations
6. Licensing
7. Resource pooling
Given a scenario, appropriately allocate virtual (guest) resources using best practices.1. Virtual CPU2. Memory
3. Storage and network allocation
4. Entitlement/quotas (shares)
5. Hard limit/soft limit
6. Reservations/licensing
7. Dynamic resource allocation
8. Resource pooling
9. CPU affinity
10. Physical resource redirection and mapping to virtual resources
  • Serial
  • USB
  • Parallel port mapping
Given a scenario, use appropriate tools for remote access.1. Remote hypervisor access2. RDP
3. SSH
4.Console port
Security 16%
Explain network security concepts, tools and best practices.1. ACLs2.VPNs
3. IDS/IPS hardware/ software-based firewalls
4. DMZ
5. Review/audit logs
  • DDoS
  • Ping of death
  • Ping flood
Explain storage security concepts, methods and best practices.1. Obfuscation2. Access control lists
3. Zoning
4. LUN masking
5. User and host authentication
6. Review/audit logs
Compare and contrast different encryption technologies and methods.1. PKI2.IPSec
  • AES
  • 3DES
  • RSA
  • DSA
  • RC4
  • RC5
5. Encryption for data in transit and encryption for data at rest
Identify access control methods.1. Role-based administration2. Mandatory access controls
3. Discretionary access controls
4. Multifactor authentication
5. Single sign-on
6. Federation
Implement guest and host hardening techniques.1. Disabling unneeded ports and services2. User credentials
  • Changing default passwords
3. Host-based/software firewalls
4. Antivirus software
5. Patching
6.Deactivating default accounts
Systems Management 11%
Explain policies and procedures as they relate to a cloud environment.1. Network and IP planning/documentation2. Configuration standardization and documentation
3. Change management best practices
  • Documentation
  • Configuration control
  • Asset accountability
  • Approval process
  • Backout plan
4.Configuration management
  • CMDB
  • Approval process
  • Configuration control
5.Capacity management
  • Monitoring for changes
  • Trending
6. Systems life cycle management
7. Maintenance windows
  • Server upgrades and patches

Given a scenario, diagnose, remediate and optimize physical host performance.1.Disk performance
2. Disk tuning3. Disk latency
4. Swap disk space
5. I/O tuning
6. Performance management and monitoring tools
7. Establish baseline and create documentation with appropriate tools
8.Hypervisor configuration best practices
  • Memory ballooning
  • I/O throttling
  • CPU wait time
9. Impact of configuration changes to the virtual environment
10.Common issues
  • Disk failure
  • HBA failure
  • Memory failure
  • NIC failure
  • CPU failure

Explain common performance concepts as they relate to the host and the guest.1. IOPS2. Read vs. write files
3. File system performance
4. Metadata performance
5. Caching
6. Bandwidth
7. Throughput (bonding/teaming)
8. Jumbo frames
9. Network latency
10. Hop counts
11. QoS
13. Load balancing
14. Scaling
  • Vertical vs. horizontal vs. diagonal
Implement appropriate testing techniques when deploying cloud services.1. Test replication2. Test latency
3. Test bandwidth
4. Test load balancing
5. Test application servers
6. Test storage
7. Test application delivery
8. Service performance testing and application performance testing
9. Penetration testing
10. Vulnerability assessment
11. Separation of duties during testing
Business Continuity in the Cloud 8%
Compare and contrast disaster recovery methods and concepts.1.Redundancy
3.Geographical diversity
6.Site mirroring
7.Hot site
8.Cold site
9.Warm site
10.Backup and recovery
11. Archiving and off-site storage
12.Replication types
  • Synchronous
  • Asynchronous
13. RTO
14. RPO
17. Mission-critical requirements
Deploy solutions to meet availability requirements.1.Fault tolerance
  • High availability
  • Local clustering/geoclustering
  • Non-high-availability resources
2. Multipathing
3. Load balancing
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We still understand the effort, time, and money you will invest in preparing for your certification exam, which makes failure in the CompTIA CV0-001 exam really painful and disappointing. Although we cannot reduce your pain and disappointment but we can certainly share with you the financial loss.

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