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IBM Assess: IBM Tivoli Storage Manager V6.3 Fundamentals Sample Questions:
1. Which option associates snapshot data with data already processed for a Windows client?
A) snapshotproviderimage
B) snapshotowner
C) snapshot
D) snapshotroot
2. What would be the best way to back up a server with a 1 TB database to an IBM Tivoli Storage Manager Server configured with an IBM tape library?
A) Named Pipes
C) Shared Memory
D) LAN-free
3. Which two steps must be completed to enable client-side data deduplication? (Choose two.)
A) The file must be smaller than 2K.
B) The storage pool destination must be enabled for deduplication and have device type of File.
C) The Deduplication ON option needs to be added to the dsm.opt or dsm.sysfile.
D) Deduplication for selected files must be specified on the include option in the client option file
E) The server must allow client deduplication for the node.
4. There have been a lot of changes on the servers and the customer wants to be sure that all data has been backed up. The events show that the schedules have been run. What information could be checked to ensure the operation completed successfully?
A) Use the query event command
B) Use the audit command for each node
C) Use the schedule log file with the option verbose on the client
D) Use the query backup command per node on the server and compare it to the files on the server
5. An IBM Tivoli Storage Manager administrator has set up and enabled Disaster Recovery Manager. The administrator wants to keep offsite tapes in the vault for five days after the data on the tapes has expired. What will accomplish this goal?
B) UPDATE VOLUME * access=offsite
Question # 1 Answer: D | Question # 2 Answer: D | Question # 3 Answer: B,E | Question # 4 Answer: A | Question # 5 Answer: D |
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