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WELL Accredited Professional (WELL AP) Sample Questions:
1. In one part of a university building the following rooms are all adjacent in a row and connected to the same corridor study room, classroom, classroom, recreation room, meditation room, classroom Which of the following rooms are most likely to require reprogramming or strategies for mitigating sound transmission?
A) The study room and the corridor
B) The recreation room and the meditation room
C) The two adjacent classrooms
D) The recreation room and the classroom that is adjacent to it
2. For an office project lo earn one point in Feature L03 Orcadian Lighting Design what level of equivalent melanopic lux (EMI) needs to be achieved at workstations in regularly occupied spaces and which piano should the light be achieved on?
A) At least 150 EML; measured on the horizontal plane
B) At least 100 EML; measured on the vertical plane
C) At least 100 EML; measured on the horizontal plane
D) At least 150 EML; measured on the vertical vertical
3. A client would like to gather thermal comfort data at her office building. According to Feature T06:
Thermal Comfort Monitoring, Part 1: Monitor Thermal Environment, which of the following strategies should the WELL AP recommend?
A) Install CO2 sensors in regularly occupied areas
B) Provide individual control over thermostats
C) Monitor dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity
D) Record mean radiant temperature and air movement
4. Please click on the Project Scenario B button to review the project scenario and answer the following question.
BAY TOWERS BY BAYLEAF - SEATTLE, UNITED STATES - PROJECT SCENARIO B. Bay Towers by Bayleaf is a 20-floor commercial building overlooking Elliot Bay in Seattle, United States.
The building enjoys abundant natural light through floor to ceiling windows which take in Elliot Bay city views. Although located behind a major highway (four-lanes of traffic), there is a pedestrian bridge which connects their ground floor reception to the riverfront park on the other side of the highway.
The building is owned and operated by Bayleaf Inc., a real-estate organization. The building is leased at a 70% occupancy rate by a range of tenants, including those in finance, technology and healthcare. The total expected occupancy of the building is 1,000 people.
Bay Towers is mechanically ventilated and currently has MERV 11 filters. As the building owner, Bayleaf provides HVAC fit-out for tenant spaces, but tenants complete the interior walls and supply the finishes and furniture themselves. While no food is provided by Bayleaf, some individual tenants do have pantries where they provide their own snacks and beverages for their own employees.
Bayleaf manages the building and operates the ground floor which includes the reception, building management office, meeting rooms, as well as the elevator banks on each floor and the rooftop. Meeting rooms are common amenities that are able to be booked by the tenants. Bayleaf has two employees that work at desks onsite, a receptionist at the front desk and a property manager in the building management office.
Bayleaf has enrolled Bay Towers for WELL Core Certification to attract and retain high-quality tenants and address growing tenant demand for well-being facilities.
As part of the WELL Core Certification scope, Bayleaf intends to renovate their ground floor and are open to leveraging some of this space to include health and well-being programming.
The scope of renovation will also include upgrades to the base building, such as staircases, end-of-trip facilities and the air filtration system. The rooftop will also be converted into a public green space for tenants to use for recreation. Tables, chairs and barbeque facilities will be added, as well as several gardens, including edible plots and lawn areas.
Bayleaf is hoping their WELL Core Certification will provide some initial feature compliance for tenants wishing to also pursue WELL Certification for their spaces.
The project team is deciding how much effort to put into the redesign of the existing staircase located immediately adjacent to the main point of entry of the building, which services all floors of the project. Which of the following design strategies should the WELL AP suggest to earn the project team the maximum number of points within Feature V03: Circulation Network?
A) Add water bottle filling stations at every floor landing, as well as point-of-decision signage at the main point of entry encouraging the use of the stairwell
B) Add artwork and soft music at each floor landing, as well as point-of-decision signage adjacent to the elevator bay encouraging the use of the stairwell
C) Add screens showing temperature and humidity at every floor landing, as well as point-of-decision signage at the main point of entry encouraging the use of the elevators
D) Add benches at each floor landing, as well as point-of-decision signage adjacent to the stairwell encouraging the use of the elevators
5. Which of the following is an effective measure for a new construction project to reduce noise from nearby traffic?
A) Provide speech reinforcement and public address systems
B) Recommend high STC or Rw performance values for the building facade, windows and any exterior penetrations
C) Suggest lightweight floor constructions below noise generating spaces
D) Alter the room geometry and space layouts
Question # 1 Answer: B | Question # 2 Answer: A | Question # 3 Answer: C | Question # 4 Answer: B | Question # 5 Answer: B |
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