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SHRM Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP) Sample Questions:
1. An HR business partner (HRBP) in a large organization has recently been dealing with various issues with the chief human resource officer (CHRO). The HRBP reports to the CHRO. The CHRO does not consistently and clearly communicate information regarding business and strategic issues to the HRBP. The lack of communication has been presenting problems, as the HRBP's internal clients look to the HRBP for information and guidance on all HR topics and initiatives. As a result, the HRBP is often uninformed and unable to assist the clients. The lack of communication and transparency by the CHRO has been negatively impacting the HRBP and the HRBP's clients. The HRBP spends a lot of time trying to get information and often is unprepared to address client issues. In some cases, clients have received HR-related information ahead of the HRBP. Unfortunately, the CHRO has operated in this manner for years, with HR employees often feeling isolated from information and not feeling like they are part of a coherent unit. Despite this, the CHRO has expressed to the HRBP a belief that they have a very effective working relationship with one another.
The HRBP recognizes that internal clients are frustrated by the HRBP's inability to assist with issues. The HRBP is concerned internal clients are losing trust in the HR function. What should the HRBP do to address this, given that the HRBP is still trying to address the CHRO's poor communication?
A) Send each client an email accepting full responsibility for the problems and promising to improve.
B) Ask the CHRO to meet with each client to explain the reason for the frequent miscommunication.
C) Meet with each client individually to discuss what each client would like the HRBP to do to improve.
D) Conduct a survey of internal clients to measure the level of trust in the HR function.
2. A start-up technology company is growing rapidly, and senior leadership would like the company to be publicly traded in the near future. The company regularly exceeds its financial goals, but outside analysts express concerns about the inconsistent practices and procedures within the company. The company values innovation, and very little attention is paid to documenting or standardizing work processes. This provides employees with a great deal of freedom to experiment in their roles, but it also leads to confusion about individual assignments and areas of responsibility. In preparation for a public offering, the company's leadership asks the HR director to gather information on best work practices in every functional area and create the required documentation.
The HR director does not have the technology knowledge necessary to understand many of the best work practices recommendations provided by employees. What should the HR director do to ensure all information included in the best work practices documentation is accurate?
A) Create teams of employees in each department that can create, edit, and approve all best work practices documentation relevant to the department.
B) Ask the employees' managers to proofread all best work practices documentation to ensure they reflect accurate information.
C) Conduct online research to verity that the company's best work practices meet industry standards.
D) Contact administrative assistants in each department to answer technical questions.
3. What is the biggest disadvantage of having a remote workforce?
A) Lack of communication between coworkers and employees and managers
B) Home-based employees being likely to encounter too many distractions and not being asefficient
C) Possible safety and risk concerns for employees to hurt themselves away from the of the
D) The possibility for employees to misrepresent their work time
4. A consulting firm determines that the average annual salary for project analysts in their area is $60,000. They are looking to hire a new project analyst and post the position with an annual pay rate of S70,000. What pay strategy does the company pursue?
A) Lag market competition
B) Lead market competition
C) Match market competition
D) Top market competition
5. What would be the next course of action for you to get this position filled?
As a recruiter, you are having a difficult time filling a civil engineer position that has been open for a few months. Few qualified individuals have applied, and the passive candidates who you've contacted haven't returned your calls. You've been aggressive in your advertising approach (in fact you've exceeded your advertising budget), but it's proving to be difficult to find quality candidates in this competitive market.
A) Have a brainstorming session with the hiring manager, and ask for ideas and suggestions.
B) Re-assess the salary and benefit package for the position.
C) Work on obtaining additional budget, and post more job advertisements.
D) Change the requirements for the job: it could be that they are hindering potential applicantsfrom applying.
Question # 1 Answer: C | Question # 2 Answer: A | Question # 3 Answer: B | Question # 4 Answer: B | Question # 5 Answer: A |

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