Before attempting the certification exam, the candidates need to thoroughly study the topics covered in it. Each of these domains contains specific technical tasks that the potential test takers should develop mastery in. The highlights of the topics and tasks measured within the PMI-PBA exam are outlined below:
- Needs Assessment (18%)
The first task within this subject area covers defining or reviewing business problems/opportunities by using techniques used in problem & opportunity analysis to develop solution scope statement and providing input for creating a business case. The second one addresses collecting and analyzing information used to determine initiative value proposition from a diversity of sources. The third part deals with providing the business needs alongside solution scope clarification. The fourth section explores the identification of the stakeholders by going through the requirements, objectives, and goals to ensure fair representation, information, and involvement. The last task deals with determining the stakeholders’ values with regards to the product by providing a baseline used to prioritize requirements.
- Traceability & Monitoring (15%)
The first task here focuses on the use of traceability tools/artifacts, capturing requirement status, relationships, as well as sources. This is to track the requirements that provide evidence that the stated requirements were delivered. The second task addresses monitoring of requirements through their entire lifecycle. This uses traceability artifacts/tools to ensure production, reviewing, and approval of needed requirement artifacts at every point of the life cycle. The next part involves updating the requirement status movement in all the states in its lifecycle through communication with the stakeholders involved and recording any changes in the traceability tool. The fourth task focuses on communicating requirements status to other stakeholders and the project manager. The last area looks into the management of changes affecting requirements, including assessing dependencies, risks, and impacts.
- Evaluation (10%)
The initial task of the fifth objective involves validation of solution reports, test results, and any other evidence that goes against the acceptance criteria agreement. This is to determine if the requirements are satisfied by the solution. The second task covers using the tools and methods for quality assurance to analyze and communicate the identified gaps & deltas in a solution that enable resolving disparities between requirements, solution scope, and the solution developed by the stakeholders. The next part addresses the utilization of decision-making techniques by the stakeholders to sign-off on the developed solution so that deployment can proceed. Lastly, the fourth module covers evaluating deployed solutions, for example, using techniques in valuation to determine if the solution meets the value proposition and business case.
- Analysis (35%)
The initial task of this section focuses on the use of individual as well as group elicitation techniques for discovering and capturing requirements and their supporting details. The next task covers analysis, decomposition, and elaboration of requirements. This uses the techniques, such as interface analysis, data & process modeling, and dependency analysis to uncover as well as clarify options in products and their capabilities. The third part requires that the candidates be able to evaluate product options and product capabilities through valuation and decision-making techniques for determining whether the requirements will be accepted, postponed, or rejected. The next task involves creating a requirements baseline. It is done by allocating the accepted or deferred requirements through resource constraints, budget, and scope schedule balancing with the value proposition. The fifth module focuses on obtaining requirements baseline sign-off through decision-making techniques, which facilitate the stakeholder's consensus and approval. The activities covered in the sixth task include using the process, interface details, and data to write the requirements specifications. The seventh module deals with using the tools & techniques, such as documentation review, demos, prototypes, or other validation methods to validate the requirements. This is to ensure that the requirements are accurate and aligned with the value proposition, goals, and objectives. The last task explores acceptance criteria and detailed metrics elaboration and specification. It uses the relevant tools & techniques for measuring and evaluating the solution to check if it meets the requirements.
- Planning (22%)
Within the second domain of the PMI-PBA certification exam, the first task addresses reviewing a business case and project objectives & goals to provide a context for business analysis activities. The second one deals with defining the requirements for the traceability strategy by using traceability techniques and tools to establish the needed traceability level required for monitoring and validating the requirements. The third task focuses on the establishment of a roadmap needed to deliver the expected solution by developing management plan requirements. This is made through identifying the stakeholders, responsibilities & roles, communication protocol, and methods used in eliciting, managing, approving, documenting, and analyzing requirements. The fourth part is about selecting methods used to control requirements change through the identification of channels for communication processes and requests for change management to establish protocols that are standard and can be incorporated in the changes in the management plan. The fifth task involves selecting methods for controlling documents by using tools & techniques in documentation management. This is followed by business metrics and criteria for acceptance through collaboration with the stakeholders.
The PMI-PBA exam is the abbreviation of the Project Management Institute — Professional in Business Analysis that leads to the self-titled certification. The test is about how good the candidates are with their business analysis skills when it comes to project management or product development. It also showcases how well one can communicate with stakeholders and achieve the company’s goals.
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