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The Open Group TOGAF Enterprise Architecture Part 2 Sample Questions:
1. Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
You are working as an Enterprise Architect at a large supermarket. The company runs many retail stores, as well as an online grocery shop. Many of the stores used to remain open 24/7, but the number has decreased in recent years. Instead, they now focus on fulfilling online orders during the night.
The company has a mature Enterprise Architecture (EA) practice and uses the TOGAF standard for its architecture development method. The EA practice is involved in all aspects of the business, with oversight provided by an Architecture Board with representatives from different parts of the business. The EA program is sponsored by the Chief Information Officer (CIO).
Each store uses a standard method to track sales and inventory. This involves sending accurate timely sales data to a central Al-based inventory management system that can predict demand, adjust stock levels and automate reordering. The central inventory management system is housed at the company's central data center.
The company has bought a major rival. The Chief Executive Officer believes that a merger will enable growth through combined offerings and cost savings. The decision has been taken to fully integrate the two organizations, including merging retail operations and systems. This means that duplicated systems will be replaced with one standard retail management system. Also, the company will reduce the number of applications that are used. The CIO expects significant savings will be achieved by implementing these changes across the newly merged company.
One improvement that the rival has successfully implemented is the use of hand-held devices within stores, for both customers and staff. This has increased both customer and staff employee satisfaction due to the time savings this has brought. The CIO has given the go-ahead to roll out the devices in all stores but has stated that training on how to use the hand-held devices should be brief because there are a lot of employees, many of whom are part-time.
The Request for Architecture Work to oversee the merger has been approved. The project has been scoped and you have been assigned to work on it. Your role includes managing the architecture for the retail stores.
Refer to the scenario
You have been asked to confirm the most relevant architecture principles for the transformation.
Based on the TOGAF Standard, which of the following is the best answer?
[Note: The sequence of the principles listed in each answer does not matter. You should assume the company follows the set of principles that are provided in the TOGAF Standard, ADM Techniques, Architecture Principles chapter. You may need to refer to section 2.6 located in ADM Techniques within the reference text to answer this question.]
A) Control Technical Diversity, Interoperability, Data is an Asset, Data is Shared, Business Continuity
B) Common Vocabulary and Data Definitions, Compliance with the Law, Requirements Based Change, Responsive Change Management, Data Security
C) Common Use Applications, Data is an Asset, Data is Accessible, Ease of Use, Business Continuity
D) Maximize Benefit to the Enterprise, Common Use Applications, Data is an Asset, Responsive Change Management, Technology Independence
2. Please read this scenario prior to answering the question
You are the Lead Enterprise Architect at a major agribusiness company. The company's main harvest is lentils, a highly valued food grown worldwide. The lentil parasite, broomrape, has been an increasing concern for many years and is now becoming resistant to chemical controls. In addition, changes in climate favor the propagation and growth of the parasite. As a result, the parasite cannot realistically be exterminated, and it has become pandemic, with lentil yields falling globally.
In response to the situation, the CEO has decided that the lentil fields will be used for another harvest. The company will also cease to process third-party lentils and will repurpose its processing plants. Thus, the target market will change, and the end-products will be different and more varied.
The company has recently established an Enterprise Architecture practice based on the TOGAF standard as method and guiding framework. The CIO is the sponsor of the activity. A formal request for architecture change has been approved. At this stage there is no fixed scope, shared vision, or objectives.
Refer to the scenario
You have been asked to propose the best approach for architecture development to realize the CEO's change in direction for the company.
Based on the TOGAF standard which of the following is the best answer?
A) You propose that this engagement define the baseline Technology Architecture first in order to assess the current infrastructure capacity and capability for the company. Then the focus should be on transition planning and incremental architecture deployment. This will identify requirements to ensure that the projects are sequenced in an optimal fashion so as to realize the change.
B) You propose that the priority is to produce a new Request for Architecture Work leading to development of a new Architecture Vision. The trade-off method should be applied to identify and select an architecture satisfying the stakeholders. For an efficient change the EA team should be aligned with the organization's planning, budgeting, operational, and change processes.
C) You propose that the team focus on architecture definition including development of business models, with emphasis on defining the change parameters to support this new business strategy that the CEO has identified. Once understood, the team will be in the best position to identify the requirements, drivers, issues, and constraints for the change.
D) You propose that the team uses the architecture definition document and focus on architecture development starting simultaneously phases B, C and D. This is because the CEO has identified the need to change. This will ensure that the change can be defined in a structured manner and address the requirements needed to realize the change.
Question # 1 Answer: D | Question # 2 Answer: B |
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