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HP Designing HPE Advanced Hybrid IT Solutions Sample Questions:
1. You are demonstrating an HPE SimpliVity environment. You want to show the efficiency obtained on the environment with the built-in deduplication and compression of the HPE SimpliVity solution for that specific environment Where should you go in the vSphere Web Client console to show this?
Solution:HPE SimpliVity Federation - Virtual Machines
A) Yes
B) No
2. You are organizing a Proof Of Concept (POC) for a potential HPE Synergy customer During the presentation the customer asks about the solution capabilities for performing automatic creation and follow-up of support cases in case of failures.
Where will you show this functionality?
Solution: HPE ILO Embedded Remote Support
A) Yes
B) No
3. A customer needs all users to be authenticated before getting access to the network resources. Which product should you recommend to meet this requirement?
Solution:Aruba Airwave
A) Yes
B) No
4. A customer has Just completed implementing a new hyperconverged solution based on SimpliVity 380 Medium Nodes The customer's IT staff has been Informed that, due to an acquisition, they need to expand Analyses shows they are undersized by 12 cores of CPU and 3 TB of storage What is the lowest cost recommendation that satisfies the customer's requirements?
Solution: Purchase and add one SimpliVity 380 Extra Small Node
A) Yes
B) No
5. Your customer wants to replace the company's aging infrastructure. The following compute workloads must run on the selected compute platform for your solution
* Physical Server workloads
* Hyper-V Virtuailzation
* VMware Virtualization
* Containers
Which solution should you use to meet the customers needs?
Solution:HPE SimpliVity
A) Yes
B) No
Question # 1 Answer: A | Question # 2 Answer: B | Question # 3 Answer: B | Question # 4 Answer: B | Question # 5 Answer: B |
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