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DSCI Certified Privacy Lead Assessor DCPLA certification Sample Questions:
1. Which of the following parameters should ideally be addressed by a privacy program of an organization?
(Choose all that apply.)
A) Privacy incident response plan and grievance handling
B) Training and data classification
C) Environmental security concerns
D) Intellectual Property (IP) protection
2. Entities should collect personal information from user that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed. This Privacy Principle is called:
A) Accountability
B) Use Limitation
C) Collection Limitation
D) Storage Limitation
3. Which of the following is not an objective of POR?
A) Identify all the activities, functions and operations that can be attributed to the privacy initiatives of an organization
B) Create an inventory of business processes, enterprise and operational functions, client relationships that deal with personal information
C) Establish a privacy function to address the activities, functions and operations that are required to manage the privacy initiatives
D) Evaluate the role of corporate function in legal compliance management, its relations with IT, and security functions. Evaluate the role of legal function in compliance matters
As a starting point, the consultants undertook a visibility exercise to understand the type of personal information (PI) being dealt with within the organization and also by third parties and the scope was to cover all the client relationships (IT services and BPM both) and functions. They met with the client relationship and business function owners to collect this data. The consultants did a mapping exercise to identify PI and associated attributes including whether company directly collects the PI, how it is accessed, transmitted, stored and what are the applicable regulatory and contractual requirements. Given the enormous scale of the exercise (enterprise wide), the consultant classified the PI as financial information, health related information, personally identifiable information, etc. and collected the rest of the attributes against this classification. When understanding the underlying technology environment, the consultants restricted themselves only to the technology environment that was under company's ownership and premises and did not continue the exercise for client side environment. This was done because relationship owners seemed reluctant to share such client specific details. Only in 2 relationships, were the relationship heads proactive to introduce the consultants to the clients and get the requisite information. The analysis of the environment in these 2 relationships revealed that even though lots of restrictions were imposed at the company side, the same restrictions were not available at the client side.
Many business functions were also availing services from third party service providers. Though these functions were aware of the type of PI dealt by third parties, they were not aware of the technology environment at the third parties. In one odd case, personal information of a company employee was accidentally leaked by the employee of the third party through the social networking site. The consultants relied on whatever information was provided by the functions w.r.t. third parties. After finishing the data collection, the consultant used the information to create information flow maps highlighting the flow of information across systems deployed at the company premises. This work helped them have a high level view of PI dealt by the company. The data collection exercise has been conducted only once by the consultants. The visibility exercise empowered the management to have a company-wide view of PI and how it flows across the organization. This information was coupled with the security controls / practices deployed at the relationship or function level to derive the risk posture of the PI.
(Note: Candidates are requested to make and state assumptions wherever appropriate to reach a definitive conclusion) Introduction and Background XYZ is a major India based IT and Business Process Management (BPM) service provider listed at BSE and NSE. It has more than 1.5 lakh employees operating in 100 offices across 30 countries. It serves more than 500 clients across industry verticals - BFSI, Retail, Government, Healthcare, Telecom among others in Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The company provides IT services including application development and maintenance, IT Infrastructure management, consulting, among others. It also offers IT products mainly for its BFSI customers.
The company is witnessing phenomenal growth in the BPM services over last few years including Finance & Accounting including credit card processing, Payroll processing, Customer support, Legal Process Outsourcing, among others and has rolled out platform based services. Most of the company's revenue comes from the US from the BFSI sector. In order to diversify its portfolio, the company is looking to expand its operations in Europe. India, too has attracted company's attention given the phenomenal increase in domestic IT spend esp. by the government through various large scale IT projects.
The company is also very aggressive in the cloud and mobility space, with a strong focus on delivery of cloud services. When it comes to expanding operations in Europe, company is facing difficulties in realizing the full potential of the market because of privacy related concerns of the clients arising from the stringent regulatory requirements based on EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).
To get better access to this market, the company decided to invest in privacy, so that it is able to provide increased assurance to potential clients in the EU and this will also benefit its US operations because privacy concerns are also on rise in the US. It will also help company leverage outsourcing opportunities in the Healthcare sector in the US which would involve protection of sensitive medical records of the US citizens.
The company believes that privacy will also be a key differentiator in the cloud business going forward. In short, privacy was taken up as a strategic initiative in the company in early 2011.
Since XYZ had an internal consulting arm, it assigned the responsibility of designing and implementing an enterprise wide privacy program to the consulting arm. The consulting arm had very good expertise in information security consulting but had limited expertise in the privacy domain. The project was to be driven by CIO's office, in close consultation with the Corporate Information Security and Legal functions.
Was the visibility exercise adequately carried out? What gaps did you notice? (250 to 500 words)
The company has a very mature enterprise level access control policy to restrict access to information. There is a single sign-on platform available to access company resources such as email, intranet, servers, etc. However, the access policy in client relationships varies depending on the client requirements. In fact, in many cases clients provide access ids to the employees of the company and manage them. Some clients also put technical controls to limit access to information such data masking tool, encryption, and anonymizing data, among others. Some clients also record the data collection process to monitor if the employee of the company does not collect more data than is required. Taking cue from the best practices implemented by the clients, the company, through the consultants, thought of realigning its access control policy to include control on data collection and data usage by the business functions and associated third parties. As a first step, the consultants advised the company to start monitoring the PI collection, usage and access by business functions without their knowledge. The IT function was given the responsibility to do the monitoring, as majority of the information was handled electronically. The analysis showed that many times, more information than necessary was collected by the some functions, however, no instances of misuse could be identified. After few days of this exercise, a complaint was registered by a female company employee in the HR function against a male employee in IT support function. The female employee accused the male employee of accessing her photographs stored on a shared drive and posting it on a social networking site.
(Note: Candidates are requested to make and state assumptions wherever appropriate to reach a definitive conclusion) Introduction and Background XYZ is a major India based IT and Business Process Management (BPM) service provider listed at BSE and NSE. It has more than 1.5 lakh employees operating in 100 offices across 30 countries. It serves more than 500 clients across industry verticals - BFSI, Retail, Government, Healthcare, Telecom among others in Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The company provides IT services including application development and maintenance, IT Infrastructure management, consulting, among others. It also offers IT products mainly for its BFSI customers.
The company is witnessing phenomenal growth in the BPM services over last few years including Finance & Accounting including credit card processing, Payroll processing, Customer support, Legal Process Outsourcing, among others and has rolled out platform based services. Most of the company's revenue comes from the US from the BFSI sector. In order to diversify its portfolio, the company is looking to expand its operations in Europe. India, too has attracted company's attention given the phenomenal increase in domestic IT spend esp. by the government through various large scale IT projects. The company is also very aggressive in the cloud and mobility space, with a strong focus on delivery of cloud services. When it comes to expanding operations in Europe, company is facing difficulties in realizing the full potential of the market because of privacy related concerns of the clients arising from the stringent regulatory requirements based on EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDPR).
To get better access to this market, the company decided to invest in privacy, so that it is able to provide increased assurance to potential clients in the EU and this will also benefit its US operations because privacy concerns are also on rise in the US. It will also help company leverage outsourcing opportunities in the Healthcare sector in the US which would involve protection of sensitive medical records of the US citizens.
The company believes that privacy will also be a key differentiator in the cloud business going forward. In short, privacy was taken up as a strategic initiative in the company in early 2011.
Since XYZ had an internal consulting arm, it assigned the responsibility of designing and implementing an enterprise wide privacy program to the consulting arm. The consulting arm had very good expertise in information security consulting but had limited expertise in the privacy domain. The project was to be driven by CIO's office, in close consultation with the Corporate Information Security and Legal functions.
What should the company do to limit data collection and usage and at the same time ensure that such kinds of incidents don't reoccur? (250 to 500 words)
Question # 1 Answer: A,B | Question # 2 Answer: C | Question # 3 Answer: D | Question # 4 Answer: Only visible for members | Question # 5 Answer: Only visible for members |
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