Exam format of SAP C_ARSCC_19Q1: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Exam
Following are the quick details related to the SAP Certified Application Associate - Management Accounting with SAP ERP 6.0 EhP7 certification exam:
- Exam Mode: On-line Proctored Exam. Candidates can take the examination from any place, any time as per their convenience. SAP also has the option for the candidates to give exams on-site at any of the SAP training centers.
- Exam type: Multiple Choice Questions
- Exam Name: SAP C_ARSCC_19Q1: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Exam
- Exam Registration: Certifications are now available on cloud in the certification hub, enabling the candidates to book the examination date individually based on the product code.
- Language: English, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Chinese
- Exam Scores: The score will be notified on-line immediately after finishing the exam. After passing the exam, an SAP Global Certification digital badge will be sent to the registered email ID. Exam scores can be improved with the help of C_ARSCC_19Q1 practice exams.
- Number of Questions: 80 Questions
- Exam Code: C-SACP_2021
- Valid Attempts: Candidates can attempt up to 6 times within the 12 months of their subscription. Each retake counts as an attempt. Candidates are allowed to attempt a specific exam a maximum of 3 times. If a candidate is not able to pass within 3 attempts, one needs to re-register for the next exam release. C_ARSCC_19Q1 exam dumps is the best way to start the preparation.
- Duration: 180 minutes
- Cut Score: 65%
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Topics to Cover in SAP C_ARSCC_19Q1: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Exam
Following are the major topics along with their weight-age in the C_ARSCC_19Q1 exam dumps, giving you a clear view of which topics, you should focus on for the certification:
- Organizational Assessment and Process Integration: Less than 8% Ability to identify scopes and procedures for management accounting, cross-company code architecture, subcontracting, production implementation, distribution pricing, inbound freight, stock transfers, inventory valuation and transition pricing, work-in-process guidelines, and high-level criteria for organizational units. Set budgeting and availability management settings, as well as period end closure, factual main numbers, and the monitoring region of business codes and operational issues. Configure versions and check number ranges and first synchronization flows with other modules. Based on the above-mentioned syllabus and its associated weighting, there is no single subject that an applicant can concentrate on or ignore when studying for the test. It is important for the nominee to go through all of the topics and be proficient in them. C_ARSCC_19Q1 exam dumps PDF completely explains all the topics of the examination.
- Product Cost Planning: More than 12% Ability to assess and customize a product's cost forecasting, analyze profitability and costing versions for alternate costings, and determine cost structures and their different forms, such as cost element structure, cost part structure, planning criteria, costing alternatives, and multi-level costings. Also, depending on the cost and feasibility report, the right to update prices in the commodity master record.
- Basics of SAP ERP and SAP Solution Manager: Less than 8% Understanding on how to describe the SAP ERP approach and how to define the integration between the solution manager and SAP ERP.
- Reporting: Less than 8% Ability to determine cost center reporting standards, configure cost center reports, and create and drill down reports.
- Cost Center Accounting: More than 12% Knowledge of cost centers, cost center hierarchies, and cost center classes, as well as how to identify, build, and customize them. It also verifies whether the applicant may identify the features and qualities of a cost center. Candidates can often concentrate on the use of Cost Center Accounting, different forms of planning functionality, different types of cost center accounting operations, planning criteria, planning assignments depending on requirements, and planning real cost center allocations.
- Profit Center Accounting: 8 to 12% Ability to build profit center organizational maps, create profit centers, review master data assignment, and customize profit center accounting closing at the end of the year.
- Cost Object Controlling: More than 12% Understanding on how to calculate and configure expense object management preparation. Define WIP, analyze performance, variances, and recognize sales, as well as configure cost item closure at the end of the cycle.
- Profitability Analysis: More than 12% Value areas, characteristics, and summary characteristics should all be defined by the applicant. They should also be able to assess and plan the process flow and protection specifications, as well as establish a reporting authorization concept. The applicant should be able to do a benefit analysis, identify the operational problem, and delegate it to the regulating sector. Determining currency and assigning account tables, as well as reviewing reports and recognizing sales.
- Internal Orders: More than 12% The capacity to tell the difference between an order group and an order form. Plan details, obligations, and closing tasks at the end of the duration to decide real conditions for internal instructions. Internal orders should be described, created, and configured, as well as a concept for internal order accounting, customization of internal order accounting, settlement laws, and period-end closing for internal order accounting.
Certification path of SAP C_ARSCC_19Q1: SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration Exam
The candidates will be given 180 minutes to complete 80 multiple-choice questions. As a result, it is critical for candidates to time-box the exam and avoid wasting too much time on a single question or subject. This SAP qualification test is graded on a pass/fail basis. The test is graded against SAP's minimum level, which is based on credential industry best practices and recommendations. To be deemed successful, candidates must achieve a score of at least 56 percent on the test. After you finish the test, you will receive your score via email. An SAP Global Certification digital badge will be sent to the registered email address after passing the test. There are 80 multiple choice questions on the test. There are two different kinds of multiple-choice questions:
- Multiple Response: The argument or query is better served by two or more correct responses from the provided choices.
- Single Response: From the choices provided, only one valid response better fits the argument or addresses the query.
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