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CIMA P1 - Management Accounting Question Tutorial Sample Questions:
1. A marketing manager is trying to decide which of four potential selling prices to charge for a new product. The state of the economy is uncertain and may show signs of recession, growth or boom. The manager has prepared a regret matrix showing the regret for each of the possible outcomes depending on the decision made.
If the manager applies the minimax regret criterion to make decisions, which selling price would be chosen?
A) $40
B) $55
C) $50
D) $45
2. CDF is a manufacturing company within the DF group. CDF has been asked to provide a quotation for a contract for a new customer and is aware that this could lead to further orders. As a consequence, CDF will produce the quotation by using relevant costing instead of its usual method of full cost plus pricing. The
following information has been obtained in relation to the contract: Material D 40 tons of material D would be required. This material is in regular use by CDF and has a current purchase price of $38 per ton. Currently, there are 5 tons in inventory which cost $35 per ton. The resale value of the material in inventory is $24 per ton.
Components 4,000 components would be required. These could be bought externally for $15 each or alternatively they could be supplied by RDF, another company within the DF manufacturing group. The variable cost of the component if it were manufactured by RDF would be $8 per unit, and RDF adds 30% to its variable cost to contribute to its fixed costs plus a further 20% to this total cost in order to set its internal transfer price. RDF has sufficient capacity to produce 2,500 components without affecting its ability to satisfy its own external customers. However, in order to make the extra 1,500 components required by CDF, RDF would have to forgo other external sales of $50,000 which have a contribution to sales ratio of 40%.
Labour hours 850 direct labour hours would be required. All direct labour within CDF is paid on an hourly basis with no guaranteed wage agreement. The grade of labour required is currently paid $10 per hour, but department W is already working at 100% capacity. Possible ways of overcoming this problem are:
* Use workers in department Z, because it has sufficient capacity. These workers are paid $15 per hour.
* Arrange for sub-contract workers to undertake some of the other work that is performed in department W.
The sub-contract workers would cost $13 per hour.
Specialist machine The contract would require a specialist machine. The machine could be hired for $15,000 or it could be bought for $50,000. At the end of the contract if the machine were bought, it could be sold for
$30,000. Alternatively, it could be modified at a cost of $5,000 and then used on other contracts instead of buying another essential machine that would cost $45,000. The operating costs of the machine are payable by CDF whether it hires or buys the machine. These costs would total $12,000 in respect of the new contract.
Supervisor The contract would be supervised by an existing manager who is paid an annual salary of $50,000 and has sufficient capacity to carry out this supervision. The manager would receive a bonus of $500 for the additional work.
Development time 15 hours of development time at a cost of $3,000 have already been worked in determining the resource requirements of the contract.
Fixed overhead absorption rate CDF uses an absorption rate of $20 per direct labour hour to recover its general fixed overhead costs. This includes $5 per hour for depreciation.
Calculate the relevant cost of the contract to CDF. You must present your answer in a schedule that clearly shows the relevant cost value for each of the items identified above. You should also explain each relevant cost value you have included in your schedule and why any values you have excluded are not relevant.
Ignore taxation and the time value of money.
Select all the true statements.
A) Development Cost is a relevant cost.
B) The total relevant cost was $84 990
C) Machine operating costs is a relevant cost.
D) The total relevant cost was $94 740
E) Direct labour cist is a relevant cost
F) General fixed overhead costs are relevant costs.
G) The total relevant cost was $104 320
3. JRL manufactures two products from different combinations of the same resources. Unit selling prices and unit cost details for each product are as follows:
The optimal solution in the previous question shows that the shadow prices of skilled labour and direct material A are as follows:
Skilled labour $ Nil
Direct material A $11.70
Explain the relevance of these values to the management of JRL.
What is the additional contribution that can be earned?
A) Thus the additional contribution that can be earned and therefore the penalty value at which WRX would decide not to supply the major customer order in full is $3, 825
B) Thus the additional contribution that can be earned and therefore the penalty value at which WRX would decide not to supply the major customer order in full is $4, 570
C) Thus the additional contribution that can be earned and therefore the penalty value at which WRX would decide not to supply the major customer order in full is $5, 825
D) Thus the additional contribution that can be earned and therefore the penalty value at which WRX would decide not to supply the major customer order in full is $4, 825
4. A master budget comprises the...
A) budgeted income statement and budgeted capital expenditure only
B) budgeted income statement and budgeted balance sheet only.
C) budgeted income statement, budgeted balance sheet and budgeted cash flow statement only.
D) budgeted income statement and budgeted cash flow statement only.
5. A company sells and services photocopying machines. Its sales department sells the machines and consumables, including ink and paper, and its service department provides an after sales service to its customers. The after sales service includes planned maintenance of the machine and repairs in the event of a machine breakdown. Service department customers are charged an amount per copy that differs depending on the size of the machine.
The company's existing costing system uses a single overhead rate, based on total sales revenue from copy charges, to charge the cost of the Service Department's support activities to each size of machine. The Service Manager has suggested that the copy charge should more accurately reflect the costs involved. The company's accountant has decided to implement an activity-based costing system and has obtained the following information about the support activities of the service department:
Calculate the annual profit per machine for each of the three sizes of machine using activity-based costing.
A) Profit Per Machine using ABC: Small $196, Medium $1191, Large $1046
B) Profit Per Machine using ABC: Small $166, Medium $1241, Large $746
C) Profit Per Machine using ABC: Small $1076, Medium $1041, Large $1946
D) Profit Per Machine using ABC: Small $176, Medium $1341, Large $946
E) Profit Per Machine using ABC: Small $186, Medium $1441, Large $2046
F) Profit Per Machine using ABC: Small $376, Medium $2341, Large $986
Question # 1 Answer: D | Question # 2 Answer: B,C,E | Question # 3 Answer: D | Question # 4 Answer: C | Question # 5 Answer: B |
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