IBM C9560-505 Valid Dump : IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5.1 IT Asset Management Implementation

C9560-505 real exams

Exam Code: C9560-505

Exam Name: IBM SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5.1 IT Asset Management Implementation

Updated: Jan 19, 2025

Q & A: 138 Questions and Answers

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IBM SmartCloud Control Desk IT Asset Management Implementation Exam Certification Details:

Sample QuestionsIBM SmartCloud Control Desk IT Asset Management Implementation Sample Questions
Exam NameIBM Certified Deployment Professional - SmartCloud Control Desk V7.5.1 IT Asset Management
Schedule ExamPearson VUE
Duration90 mins
Exam Price$200 (USD)
Passing Score47 / 69
Books / TrainingIBM SmartCloud Control Desk 7.5 IT Asset Management Fundamentals-New
Number of Questions69
Exam CodeC9560-505

IBM C9560-505 Exam Syllabus Topics:

Inventory-Given an installed and running IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) environment, define units of Measure and Conversion units for software and hardware so that units of measure and conversion units have been set up.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, define commodity groups and codes so that commodity groups and codes have been set up.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment and an active organization, commodity groups, storerooms, and measure units, create a rotating or non-rotating item and add it to a storeroom so that a new rotating or non-rotating item is created and added to a storeroom.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment and a list of rotating and non-rotating items, create an Item Assembly Structure (IAS) so that there is an organized hierarchy of items ready to be applied to an asset.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, at least one organization is active and commodity groups, storerooms, and measure units are configured, create a spare part item and add it to a storeroom so that a spare part has been created and added to the storeroom.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, at least one active organization and the parent and child assets have been created, associate a child asset with a parent asset so that the association has occurred.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, and configuration of an item set, classifications, vendor and images, create an active service item so that a new service item is created and is ready for use.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, with configuration of a site, organization addresses, GL accounts, persons ,and a list of storerooms from the client have been configured, create a storeroom, assign accounting codes and shipping and billing information so that a new storeroom is created and ready for items to be added.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, manage inventory data using Inventory application so that Inventory application is used successfully to add/update balance and reorder details to an item.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, set up item and adjust the status so that items are operating effectively.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment and basic system data has been set up, issues or transfer items so that issues and transfers are made.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, create an Item Master item from the software item catalog so that a new Item Master item is created and linked with the software catalog.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, create a single asset, referencing the Item Master so that the client can determine when the asset is due for technology refresh.
Contracts-Given that the IBM IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed and system has been set up, explain the six different types of contracts, Master, Purchase, Lease/Rental, Labor, Warranty and Software so that the purpose for each contract type has been defined.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, create terms and conditions so that the terms and conditions have been created.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, create software contract with associates line items so that a new software contract has been created.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, create a non-software contract so that a non-contract has been created.
Reporting-Given that SCCD has been installed and the request pages have been generated, run a report from the desired application so that the report is displayed on the screen.
-Given that SCCD is installed, generate an ad hoc report from the applicable application so that the ad hoc report is generated.
Resources-Given that SCCD has been installed and Start Center, Organization, Sites, and Users have been created, assign Start Center templates, Grant/Revoke actions to applications and authorize access to users so that security access is configured correctly.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, enter the person's relevant information so that the person record is created.
-Given a SCCD environment, various skill levels, labor rate contracts, companies and premium pay codes, use this data and assign them to a craft so that a craft record is created.
-Given a SCCD environment, crafts, qualifications, and locations have been set up; associate these to create a new labor record so that a new labor has been created with a craft associated. (Optional: a valid qualification assigned.).
-Given a SCCD environment and an organization, define and assign shift(s) and also non-working time(s), create a calendar so that a calendar has been created with at least one shift applied.
-Given a SCCD environment and qualification type, associate crafts or tools to create an active qualification so that an active qualification has been created.
Integration-Given that the IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed and system has been set up to include the IBM Tivoli Integration Composer, establish the mapping between the discovery tool and the deployed asset tables per the clients requirements so that when the Integration Composer is run the discovered data is loaded into the deployed asset tables.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, check the Integration Framework Software Catalog External System(s) and verify all required services so that the system is ready to import the software catalog.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, configure the Cron Task and Schedule the Software Catalog import so that the software catalog has been scheduled to be imported.
Basic Set Up and Initial Data Configuration-Given an installed and running IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) environment, create Currency Codes so that the Currency codes are created.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, create an Item Set and Company Set so that the Sets are created.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, created currency codes, and created Item and Company sets, create an Organization so that the Organization is created.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, created Currency codes, created Item and Company sets, created Organization, and a customer defined GL structure, create a GL Account Component so that the GL Account component is created.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment, created currency codes, created Item and Company Sets and created Organization, create GL Account components, create a GL Account and activate an Organization so that the GL Account is created, the Organization is activated and ready for use.
-Given an installed and running SCCD environment and activated organization, configure an item set and the issue costing model so the item costing model is defined for all sites in the organization and the item set is created and ready to be applied to an organization.
-Given an installed, configured and running SCCD environment, configure and schedule reorder parameter so that reorder parameters have been configured and scheduled successfully.
Service Requests-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, create a Service Request per customer requirements so that a service request has been created.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, create a Ticket Template using the Ticket Templates application so that the Ticket Template has been created.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, add Activities to a ticket so that the Activities have been added.
License Management-Given that IBM SmartCloud Control Desk( SCCD) has been installed and system has been set up, access the license management module and create a license that represents a software entitlement so that a license has been successfully created.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, and a license has been created, allocate capacity to assets, persons, or locations so that capacity has been allocated and available capacity updated.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, run the License Audit Reports so that the License Audit Report is displayed.
Work Management-Given that IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed and the basic system data has been set up, define and set up failure codes so that the failure class is created with all the related problems, causes and resolutions.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and the basic system data has been set up, describe the work order, change, release and activities applications so that the functionality provided by the different applications has been described.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and the basic system data has been set up, define new work order actions that allow repeated use of work plans, modification of related Asset records and work order responsibilities so that the functionality in work orders that allows related assets to be updated has been explained.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and the basic system data and assets have been set up, describe how to add tasks to a new work order so that a work plan is available for approval before any work is started.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and the basic system data has been set up, describe how flow control determines task status so that how flow control can be used to change the status of tasks on a work order has been explained.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, and assets have been set up, define how Crafts or Labor are assigned to a new Work Order so that a work plan with labor or crafts identified for performing the work, with durations and appropriate skill levels has been created.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, assets and work orders have been created, detail how actual labor is reported so that actual labor time is reported.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, and the basic system data has been set up, describe the various methods of reporting actual costs so that the methods for incurring costs against work orders can be understood.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, assets and work order have been created, detail how downtime is reported so that the asset Asset Up? is now unchecked, and downtime will be reported on.
Software Catalog-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, including loading the Software Catalog, view Software Catalog in SCCD, find the Product Heirarchies and Software Catalog information so that the software catalog functionality is identified.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, including loading the Software Catalog, review the top level software name and set it for managed so that the Software Catalog entry is managed.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, including loading the Software Catalog, add Third Party Catalog Entries for Software in IBM SmartCloud Control Desk so that all required products have been added to the Software Catalog.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, including loading the Software Catalog, create Software Items and demonstrate understanding and usage of Item Master so that standard software items have been created and can be used across organizations.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, including loading the Software Catalog with third party entries, establish a standard software product and assign one or more variants so that a software product with one or more variants is defined and can be used when creating licenses
Purchasing-Given that IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed and basic system data has been set up, create company information so that a company has been set up according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data has been set up, create exchange rates so that the exchange rates have been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data has been set up, set up tax options so that the tax options have been set up according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data has been set up, set up purchasing option so that the purchasing options have been set up according to customer data.
-Given that has been installed and basic system data, such as Item Masters has been set up, create desktop requisition so that the desktop requisition has been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data has been set up, create purchase requisitions so that the purchase requisitions have been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data, including Item Master has been set up, create request for quotations so that the request for quotation has been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data, including Item Master has been set up, create purchase orders so that the purchase orders have been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data, including Item Master has been set up and purchase orders have been created to customer data, use the Receiving application to receive incoming items against the corresponding purchase order generating asset records so that all line items are complete and the PO can be closed.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data, including Item Master has been set up, create invoices so that invoices have been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and basic system data has been set up, set up the approval limits and tolerances for the security groups so that the set of limits and tolerances have been created according to customer data.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, including gl accounts and Item Master create a Release Purchase Order for Software Contract, approve the PO and receive the PO items so that the PO has been created, approved and the items have been received.
IT Asset Reconciliation-Given that the IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed and system has been set up, describe the steps required to manage reconciliation results so that the steps required to manage reconciliation results are understood
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, create a new reconciliation task with task filters so that asset reconciliation can be run.
-Given that the SCCD has been installed and system has been set up, and a new reconciliation task has been scheduled an run, view the reconciliation results so that asset reconciliation data can be viewed.
IT Assets-Given that IBM SmartCloud Control Desk (SCCD) has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, and deployed asset information has been imported ,explain IT assets data so that deployed IT asset functionality has been understood.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, and assets have been created and assigned, assign and view the assets in the View assets application so that the details of the assigned assets are visible.
-Given that SCCD has been installed and system has been setup, view discovered computer data in IBM SmartCloud Control Desk so that deployed assets are visible.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, and an asset has been created, define asset disposal for the asset so that asset disposal has been executed for a specific asset.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, the basic system data has been set up, assets and users have been created, assign a primary user or custodian to an asset so that the Users and Custodians are identified for the asset.
-Given that SCCD has been installed, basic system data has been set up and deployed asset information has been imported, promote a deployed asset to an authorized IT asset so that authorized IT asset records have been created from deployed asset records.


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