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Avaya Mobility Networking Solutions Troubleshooting and Maintenance Sample Questions:
1. Refer to the exhibit.
What does the green symbol beside the Access Point on WOS Web interface indicate?
A) The Access Point is up.
B) The Access Point is busy.
C) The Access Point is not ready.
D) The Access Point is down.
2. Refer to the exhibit.
The customer IT supervisor wants to know the total number of authentication failures on their IDE server, to confirm if it is functioning properly. The IT engineer has shared this exhibit with the IT supervisor.
What information can be gathered from this exhibit?
A) Guest Manager; Monitoring Statistics
B) Ignition Server; Monitoring Log viewer
C) Ignition Server; Monitoring Statistics
D) Access Portal; Monitoring Statistics
3. Which two business problems can be resolved by Avaya Identity Engines? (Choose two.)
A) Network outages in an enterprise.
B) Centralized policy management to improve and eliminate policy distribution costs.
C) Increases signal interferences as more users login to the Wi-Fi premises.
D) Quick and flexible integration with major enterprise directories.
4. Where do you check the status of a guest management user interface connection to Ignition Server?
A) Guest Manager > Devices
B) Administration > Account
C) Connection > RADIUS
D) Connection > Appliance
5. Which three advanced RF capabilities of WLAN 9100 will let you optimize your wireless spectrum to ensure a high quality of user experience for your Wi-Fi users? (Choose three.)
A) High Availability across Radios
B) Honeypot Support
C) Bonjour Optimization
D) Software Programmable Radios
E) Load sharing across Radios
Question # 1 Answer: A | Question # 2 Answer: C | Question # 3 Answer: B,D | Question # 4 Answer: D | Question # 5 Answer: C,D,E |
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