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Microsoft Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions for Small and Medium Organizations Sample Questions:
1. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Fourth Coffee, a small coffee retailer that specializes in coffee beans from around the world.
Company Background
Fourth Coffee was founded on September 4, 2003, and has 35 employees. The companys main office and 10 retail stores are located in Canada.
Due to budget constraints, Fourth Coffee does not have a dedicated IT department and can upgrade hardware and software only every four years.
Network Description
The main office has five desktops and two servers. One server runs Microsoft Small
Business Server 2003, and the second server runs Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, with Microsoft Office 2003 Professional Enterprise Edition through
Terminal Server.
Each retail store has a new desktop that connects to the terminal server in the main office.
Current Licensing Solution
Before Terminal Server was deployed, some older versions of Office were acquired through Full Package Product, and some older versions were preinstalled on desktops that were purchased one year ago. Some Office licenses were purchased with Software
Assurance through the Open Business program.
Confusion exists as to whether Fourth Coffee is properly licensed.
Business Goals
Fourth Coffee expects to open a total of 10 additional stores in England and Australia in the next year.
The company president wants to standardize all desktops on the latest version of Office
Professional, Enterprise Edition; Windows XP Professional; and Windows Server with
Terminal Server enabled.
End of repeated scenario
You need to advise Fourth Coffee about which business objective will be met by standardizing the desktops on the latest software.
Which business objective will be met by standardization?
A) business expansion
B) optimizing cash flow
C) increasing return on investment (ROI)
D) reducing the need for dedicated IT staff
2. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Fourth Coffee, a small coffee retailer that specializes in coffee beans from around the world.
Company Background
Fourth Coffee was founded on September 4, 2003, and has 35 employees. The companys main office and 10 retail stores are located in Canada.
Due to budget constraints, Fourth Coffee does not have a dedicated IT department and can upgrade hardware and software only every four years.
Network Description
The main office has five desktops and two servers. One server runs Microsoft Small
Business Server 2003, and the second server runs Microsoft Windows Server 2003,
Standard Edition, with Microsoft Office 2003 Professional Enterprise Edition through
Terminal Server.
Each retail store has a new desktop that connects to the terminal server in the main office.
Current Licensing Solution
Before Terminal Server was deployed, some older versions of Office were acquired through Full Package Product, and some older versions were preinstalled on desktops that were purchased one year ago. Some Office licenses were purchased with Software
Assurance through the Open Business program.
Confusion exists as to whether Fourth Coffee is properly licensed.
Business Goals
Fourth Coffee expects to open a total of 10 additional stores in England and Australia in the next year.
The company president wants to standardize all desktops on the latest version of Office
Professional, Enterprise Edition; Windows XP Professional; and Windows Server with
Terminal Server enabled.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate software-license acquisition model for
Fourth Coffee.
What should you recommend?
A) The main office and each store should acquire its own OEM server and application licenses.The main office should purchase Software Assurance.
B) The main office should acquire all licenses for all locations.
C) The main office should acquire all server and application licenses for all locations. Each store should purchase its own hardware with OEM versions of Windows XP Professional installed.
D) The main office should acquire all server and application licenses for all Canada locations. Each store in England and Australia should acquire its own licenses.
3. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Blue Yonder Airlines, a small regional airline company.
Company Background
Blue Yonder Airlines has three locations across the country. Blue Yonder Airlines recently purchased a smaller airline company.
Network Description
Blue Yonder Airlines has three servers, one in each of its three locations. The servers run
Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5, and Microsoft SQL
Server 7.0. Its three locations contain a total of 120 desktops. Each desktop runs either
Windows 98 or Windows XP Professional and either Microsoft Office 2000 Standard or
Office 2000 Professional.
The smaller company has two locations, two servers running Windows NT Server 4.0, and
50 desktops running Windows NT Workstation 4.0.
Two employees in the Blue Yonder Airlines IT department are responsible for administering and supporting all of the software and hardware for both companies.
Current Licensing Solution
For both companies, software is currently acquired ad hoc from the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or by retail purchases.
Business Goals
Management of Blue Yonder Airlines wants to upgrade both companies to the latest version of specialized industry software, which requires Windows 2000 Server, Windows
2000 Professional, Exchange 2000 Server, and SQL Server 2000. The industry software has not yet been approved for compatibility with the latest versions of Microsoft software.
Because Blue Yonder Airlines is experiencing problems in tracking their license purchase history, management wants to conduct an internal audit.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing program for the desktops. What should you recommend?
A) Open Volume
B) Enterprise Agreement
C) Select License
D) Open Business
4. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Litware, Inc., a large company that has
15,000 employees.
Company Background
Litware, Inc. has 15 locations in North America and six locations in Europe and Asia. The companys two divisions are the custom software division and the hosting services division.
Both divisions are experiencing significant sales growth.
The custom software division creates custom software solutions that account for 75 percent of the total revenue for Litware, Inc. The hosting services division offers Microsoft
Exchange and Web hosting services for customers around the world. The company frequently adds 1,000 developers and testers for up to 28 months to work on specific projects.
Network Description
The custom software division creates highly integrated solutions by using Microsoft SQL
Server. The solutions must be delivered and deployed by using custom installation media.
In the past, Litware, Inc., purchased SQL Server through Full Package Product (FPP). This purchasing method no longer meets the companys solution deployment needs.
The hosting services division has one server farm that contains 500 servers. These servers run Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Operations Manager
Server, Microsoft Systems Management Server, and Microsoft Internet Security and
Acceleration Server. These applications are licensed through the companys current Select
License agreement.
Current Licensing Solution
Litware, Inc. has no established purchasing procedures. Each location has a different set of desktop products.
The offices in Europe and in Asia acquire software licenses under Open License and FPP purchases. The offices do not have Software Assurance for the servers or the desktops.
The offices in North America acquire software licenses through a Select License agreement that has Software Assurance for the servers.
Business Goals
The companys executive team suspects that the various locations do not keep track of software purchases and could not prove ownership if the company is audited. The team wants to standardize all desktops.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing solution for the server farm.
Which solution or solutions should you recommend? (Choose all that apply.)
A) Operations Manager Server, Systems Management Server, and Internet Security and
Acceleration Server should be licensed under the current licensing agreement.
B) All products should be licensed through a Services Provider Licensing Agreement
C) Windows Server and Exchange Server should be licensed through a Services Provider
Licensing Agreement (SPLA).
D) Windows Server and Exchange Server should be licensed through an Enterprise
Subscription Agreement.
E) All products should be licensed through an Enterprise Subscription Agreement.
F) Windows Server and Exchange Server should be licensed through the Independent
Software Vendor (ISV) Royalty Licensing program.
G) All products should be licensed under the current licensing agreement.
5. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Alpine Ski House, a small manufacturer of winter sportswear.
Company Background
Alpine Ski House sells sportswear to outlets in the United States and Canada. Alpine Ski
House has 200 sales representatives.
Network Description
Each sales representative has a portable computer and a handheld device. Alpine Ski
House purchased 100 new portable computers for the sales force less than 60 days ago.
These new computers had Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Microsoft Office 2003
Professional preinstalled.
The company has 80 desktops in the main office. These desktops are older PCs running
Windows 98 and Office 97 Professional.
Current Licensing Solution
In July 2002, Alpine Ski House purchased licenses and Software Assurance for Windows
98 and Office Professional on the desktops through the Open License program. No upgrades have been installed, due to the hardware constraints of the older desktops.
Business Goals
Alpine Ski House plans to launch an online store to expand its business into the worldwide market.
The company plans to update its server environment with the following software:
Windows Server 2003
Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server 2003
Microsoft SQL Server 2000, for its online store
The company plans to replace the 100 older portable computers within the next year.
The company wants to continue to increase sales by effectively servicing existing customers and by expanding its customer base without adding employees.
The company president wants to standardize all software on the desktops and the portable computers, but he does not want to spend budget on upgrading the 80 noncritical desktops.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing program for Alpine Ski House.
What should you recommend?
A) Open Volume
B) Enterprise Agreement
C) Select License
D) Open Business
E) Component Enterprise Agreement with only the Office Professional and Windows
Professional components
Question # 1 Answer: D | Question # 2 Answer: C | Question # 3 Answer: D | Question # 4 Answer: A,C | Question # 5 Answer: B |
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