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Cisco Certified Design Expert Practical Sample Questions:
1. You are designing an optical network. Your goal is to ensure that your design contains the highest degree of resiliency. In which two ways should you leverage a wavelength-switched optical network solution in your network design? (Choose two.)
A) a wavelength-switched optical network eliminates the need for dispersion compensating units in a network
B) a wavelength-switched optical network assigns routing and wavelength information
C) a wavelength-switched optical network takes linear and nonlinear optical impairment calculation into account
D) a wavelength-switched optical network provides fault tolerance for single failures only
E) a wavelength-switched optical network guarantees restoration based strictly on the shortest path available
2. Refer to the exhibit.
This network is running IS-IS as the single routing protocol and the LSP and SPF timers are aggressively configured so the network converges in subsecond. The customer reports that router B had a memory crash and reloaded. Which resulted in some packets from the application being lost. The application servers are behind router G and the end users are behind router H, which design change should be made to prevent this packet-loss problem from reoccurring?
A) Redesign the network as a flat level 2
B) Enable the advertisement of the overload bit for a specific amount of time after reload on router B
C) Use asymmetric carrier delay timer
D) Deploy all links as point-to-point
E) Optimize the LSP/SPF timers to send LSPs immediately after a topology change
3. You are designing an IPv4 any source multicast redundancy solution. Which technology ensures the quickest RP convergence?
A) MSDP anycast RP
B) Bootstrap router
C) Embedded RP
D) Auto-RP
4. An network is designed to use OSPF to reach eBGP peers. Which condition should be avoided in the design to potentially prevent the eBGP peers do not flap continuously in case of link failure?
A) Advertise IP addresses used on eBGP peer statement via a non-backbone OSPF area.
B) Disable BGP synchronization.
C) Use an ACL to block BGP in one direction.
D) Advertise via eBGP IP addresses used on eBGP peer statements.
5. Which three different behaviors must a network designer expect when bidirectional PIM is used instead of PIM Sparse Mode? (Choose three)
A) Auto-RP is not supported with bidirectional PIM
B) No rendezvous point is required when bidirectional PIM is used
C) The join messages to join a bidirectional PIM multicast group are different compared to PIM-SM
D) PIMv2 BSR is not supported with bidirectional PIM
E) The source IP addresses from the multicast senders cannot be seen in the multicast routing table
F) Many possible rendezvous point can be used for bidirectional PIM as compared to PIM Sparse Mode
G) The RPF check does not prevent routing loops when bidirectional PIM is used
Question # 1 Answer: B,C | Question # 2 Answer: B | Question # 3 Answer: A | Question # 4 Answer: D | Question # 5 Answer: C,D,E |

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