VMware 2V0-631 Valid Dump : VMware Certified Professional 6 - Cloud Management and Automation Exam

2V0-631 real exams

Exam Code: 2V0-631

Exam Name: VMware Certified Professional 6 - Cloud Management and Automation Exam

Updated: Feb 17, 2025

Q & A: 110 Questions and Answers

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High level topics covered by our practice test

This Web Simulator is for VMware vSphere Professional Administrators that are ready to start building complex VMware Cloud Data Center infrastructure and would like to take the 2V0-631 certification exam. Using the Web Simulator will provide you with training in the common use cases so that you can install, configure and manage vSphere Data Center using vRealize Suite Components. Moreover you will also be able to understand how create a secure Role Based Access Control List, perform SSO setup using Active Directory You will also be able to test with us your Network knowledge in a virtualization vSphere center that is able to scale up at any time following the high availability and high performance best patterns. Our questions will also cover topics like: How To Connect Shared Storage, how to create a template and clone it when deploying complex infrastructure. You will also find resources about clusters and failover, you learn how to recover a Server and how to migrate it when it is needed.

VMware VCP6-CMA Exam Syllabus Topics:

Section 1: Install, Configure and Upgrade vRealize Suite Components
Explain vRealize Suite Editions and Features

Determine available features and third party integrations for different vRealize Suite editions
-Differentiate vCloud Air solutions
-Describe vRealize Automation/vCloud Air integration options
-Explain vRealize Business Standard key capabilities
-Describe available vRealize Suite editions
-Explain vRealize Application Services functionality
-Explain vRealize Orchestrator functionality
-Determine the appropriate vRealize Suite edition based on customer requirements

-VMware vRealize Suite Getting Started Guide
-Foundations and Concepts
-vRealize Suite Solution Brochure
- VMware vRealize Suite Datasheet

Install and Upgrade vRealize Suite Components

-Deploy and configure appliances for distributed vRealize deployment (e.g. SSO, automation, DB)
-Install or upgrade IaaS components
-Configure default tenant and any additional tenants
-Appoint administrators and configure load balancer(s)
-Integrate vRealize with external systems
-Manage SSL certificates
-Resolve deployment and configuration issues
-Perform upgrade of vCAC 6.1 to vRealize Automation
-Download and install updates to vRealize component appliances

-vRealize Automation Installation and Configuration Guide
-Upgrading to vRealize from vCAC 6.1

Configure and Administer vCloud Connector

-Explain vCloud Connector components and configuration
-Describe vApp copy process
-Determine virtual machine state
-Describe necessary configuration for Data Center Extension
-Differentiate between functionality of components of vCloud Connector
-Implement required network and security settings
-Determine storage requirements and add storage for vCloud Connector node
- Register vCloud Connector UI with vCenter Server
-Register vCloud Networking and Security Manager with the vCloud Connector server
-Troubleshoot common vCloud Connector installation and operational issues
-Create a vCloud Connector Content Library
-Publish vSphere folders and vCloud catalogs to a vCloud Connector Content Library
-Subscribe to/unsubscribe from published folders or catalogs
-Stretch deploy a virtual machine or vApp using Data Center Extension

-Installing and Configuring vCloud Connector
-Using vCloud Connector
-vRealize Automation Installation and Configuration Guide
-vSphere Client and Web Client
-vCloud Connector vSphere Client Plug-In
-vCloud Connector Web UI
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Configure vRealize Automation Settings

-Configure vRealize system notification and appearance settings
-Enable connections and set concurrency limits on IaaS server
-Configure datacenter locations

-Configuring vRealize Automation

Integrate vRealize Automation with vCloud Air

-Provision with vCloud Air or vCloud Director vApps
-Configure IaaS for vApps
-Create vApp and vApp component blueprints
-Configure advanced blueprint settings
-Monitor workflows and logs
-Manage machine life cycle and workflow states
-Configure an endpoint in vRealize Automation
-Configure vCloud Air OnDemand and Subscription endpoints
-Synchronize environment data from vCloud Air
-Deploy virtual machines

- IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
-IaaS Configuration for vCloud Air and vCloud Director

Section 2: Administer vRealize Automation Users, Roles and Privileges
Create Roles and Apply Privileges to Roles

-Configure system-wide roles and responsibilities
-Assign user roles within tenants
-Configure tenant roles and responsibilities
-Add identity stores
-Appoint tenant administrators

- vRealize Automation Foundations and Concepts
-vRealize Automation Installation and Configuration
-Tenant Administration

Configure AD/LDAP Integration

-Configure identity stores
-Associate an identity store with a tenant
-Configure a native Active Directory identity store

-vRealize Automation Installation and Configuration

Section 3:Create and Administer Cloud Networking
Explain NSX Integration with vRealize Automation

-Manage network services with vRealize Automation
-Configure NSX integration
-Configure IaaS for network integration

-IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
-NSX Administration Guide
-vCloud Automation Center Web Console
-vSphere Web Client

Configure and Manage vRealize Automation Networking

-Describe the available NSX for vSphere Edge network services
-Configure DHCP/NAT/VPN/Load balancer
-Sub-allocate IP pools
-Add static IP addresses
-Configure syslog
-Configure multi-machine blueprints for network virtualization
-Identify the NSX Distributed Firewall components
-Use logs to troubleshoot common network service issues

-NSX Administration Guide
-IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
-vRealize Automation Web Console
-vSphere Web Client

Section 4: Configure and Administer Tenants and Business Groups
Create and Manage Business Groups

-Describe specific privilege levels for different business group roles
-Manage user roles (e.g. business group manager and support)
-Assign Active Directory users and groups to business group roles
-Create and manage machine prefixes
-Identify and configure custom properties

-vRealize Automation Foundations and Concepts
- vRealize Automation Tenant Administration
-Cloud Properties Reference
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create and Manage Tenants

-Configure branding for the vRealize Automation console
-Add and configure tenant-specific inbound and outbound email notifications
-Override/revert to system default email servers
-Identify and add identity stores in vRealize Automation
-Create and assign user roles to an identity store group

-vRealize Automation Tenant Administration
-vRealize Automation Web Console
-vSphere Client and Web Client

Section 5: Allocate and Manage vRealize Automation Resources
Create and Manage Fabric Groups

-Add and configure endpoints for vSphere and vRealize Automation
-Map compute resources to endpoints
-Assign correct permissions to manage fabric groups
-Collect compute resource data
-Monitor resources

-vRealize Automation Foundations and Concepts
-IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
-vRealize Automation Web Console
-vSphere Client and Web Client

Create and Manage Reservations

-Create and manage reservations
-Specify reservation information
-Select a reservation for a cloud based virtual machine
-Create an endpoint to reserve physical machine resources
-Determine where reservations have been over allocated
-Troubleshoot reservation over-allocation

-System Administration
-IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
-IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create and Manage Reservation Policies

-Create, configure, and assign one or more reservations to a reservation policy
-Create, configure, and assign a reservation policy to one or more blueprints
-Create and assign a storage reservation policy

-vRealize Automation System Administration
-IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
-IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Section 6 :Create and Administer vRealize Automation Components
Create and Manage Machine/Multi-Machine Blueprints

-Identify blueprint machine types (e.g. virtual, cloud, physical) and provisioning types (e.g. local and global)
-Differentiate different blueprint actions (e.g. create, clone, linked-clone)
-Explain run time property precedents
-Create single and/or multi-machine blueprints
-Create a build profile
-Configure appropriate blueprint security
-Configure approvals for a blueprint
-Given a scenario, determine the appropriate custom properties for the blueprint or build profile

-System Administration
-IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
-IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create and Manage Service Catalog Items

-Create services, actions, entitlements and approval policies
-Configure catalog items and actions
-Understand the implications of activating and inactivating entitlements

-vRealize Automation Foundations and Concepts
-vRealize Automation Tenant Administration
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create and Manage Service Catalog Blueprints

-Create and edit service blueprints
-Add new service blueprint forms and define appearance of catalog item details
-Determine roles required to create and manage service blueprints
-Publish a service blueprint as a catalog item

-vRealize Automation Advanced Service Design
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create and Manage a Property Dictionary

-Describe functions of property definitions
-Create and manage property definitions and layouts
-Determine rights required to use property definitions and layouts

-Cloud Properties Reference
-vRealize Automation Center Web Console

Create and Manage Build Profiles

-Create and modify a build profile
-Create and modify a property set
-Add property sets to a build profile

-IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create Custom Services using Advanced Service Designer

-Describe vRealize Automation API extensibility options
-Create and manage custom services and service blueprints
-Describe tools and features for vRealize Automation extensions

- vRealize Automation Advanced Service Design
-vRealize Automation Machine Extensibility
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Section 7: Monitor and Troubleshoot a vRealize Automation Implementation
Perform Basic vRealize Automation Troubleshooting

-Troubleshoot login issues
-Troubleshoot installation and upgrade issues
-Determine log file locations

-vRealize Automation Installation and Configuration
-vRealize Automation Web Console
-vSphere Web Client

Audit vRealize Automation Resources and Events

-Provide status details of managed virtual machines
-Determine status and history of workflows
-Identify event attributes
-Show display status

-vRealize Automation Suite Log Locations
-vRealize Automation System Administration
-IaaS Configuration for Virtual Platforms
- IaaS Configuration for Cloud Platforms
-IaaS Configuration for vCloud Air and vCloud Director
-IaaS Integration for Multi-Machine Services
- IaaS Configuration for Physical Machines

Map vRealize Automation Resources to vSphere Resources

-Create resource mappings
-Create and publish a resource action
-Associate icons to actions

-vRealize Automation Using Application Services
-vRealize Automation Using Application Library Services

Section 8: Configure and Administer vRealize Orchestrator
Create and Modify Basic Orchestrator Workflows

-Describe Orchestrator workflows for converting virtual machines between Orchestrator and IaaS
-Describe different Orchestrator workflow types
-Create and manage Orchestrator endpoints to run workflows
-Use an Orchestrator workflow from an IaaS workflow
-Import Orchestrator workflows into vRealize Automation
-Configure the default workflow folder for a tenant
-Create and publish Orchestrator workflows as catalog items in a service blueprint

-vRealize Automation Machine Extensibility
-Using the VMware vRealize Orchestrator Client
-vRealize Automation Advanced Service Design
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Integrate vRealize Orchestrator with vRealize Automation Center

-Provision and modify custom resources
-Configure vRealize Automation to use external vRealize Orchestrator server
-Configure service endpoints

-vRealize Automation Machine Extensibility
-vRealize Automation Advanced Service Design

Section 9: Configure and Administer vRealize Business Standard
Install and Configure vRealize Business Standard Appliance

-Describe system requirements
-Configure and access vRealize Business Standard with vRealize Automation
-Deploy vRealize Busness Standard in vCloud Director and/or vSphere

-vRealize Business Standard Installation and Administration Guide

Perform Basic Configuration of vRealize Business Standard Environment

-Manage connections from other VMware technologies such as vCenter Server, vCloud and SRM
-Manage connections and public cloud user accounts
-Update the reference database
-Calculate hardware cost depreciation

-vRealize Business Standard Installation and Administration Guide
-vRealize Business Standard User's Guide

Section 10: Configure and Administer vRealize Application Services
Install and Configure vRealize Application Services Appliance

-Enable Application Services to use a proxy
-Register Application Services to vRealize Automation
-Setup application provisioning
-Manage the Application Services library
-Create, deploy and update applications
-Troubleshoot connection issues to Application Services

-Using Application Services
-Using Application Services Library Services
-Application Services Troubleshooting
-vRealize Automation Web Console

Create Basic Application Blueprints

-Describe Application Services privilege prerequisites for creating application blueprints
-Create and modify applications and application versions
-Determine application and application version requirements for creating application blueprints
-Model and create application blueprints
-Modify and manage existing application blueprints

-Using Application Services
-vRealize Automation Web Console

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2V0-631 - VMware Certified Professional 6 - Cloud Management and Automation Beta

The VMware 2V0-631 exam is part of the new VMware Certified Professional 6 - Cloud Management and Automation Beta. This VMware exam measures your ability and skills related to the creation of advanced Data Center Virtualization environment using vRealize technologies. This exam validates that you have the skills required to successfully install, deploy, scale and manage complex and innovative Cloud and Multi-Tenants environments. This exam requires a solid knowledge of the vRealize Suite when architecting virtual cloud environments. VMware certified professionals can design complex systems using Virtualization technologies for enterprise installing, configuring and managing the vRealize suite products optimizing and scaling them at any time This exam tests your skills and abilities installing, configuring and administering a VMware vRealize environment..

This is a list of exam subjects you can follow:

  • Allocate and Manage vRealize Automation Resources
  • Create and Administer Cloud Networking
  • Install, Configure and Upgrade vRealize Suite Components
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot a vRealize Automation Implementation
  • Configure and Administer vRealize Application Services
  • Configure and Administer vRealize Orchestrator
  • Create and Administer vRealize Automation Components
  • Configure and Administer Tenants and Business Groups
  • Configure and Administer vRealize Business Standard
  • Administer vRealize Automation Users, Roles and Privileges

Reference: https://www.vmware.com/content/dam/digitalmarketing/vmware/en/pdf/certification/vmw-vcp6-cma-2v0-631-guide.pdf

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