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Oracle Cloud Material Management & Logistics 2019 Implementation Essentials Sample Questions:
1. Select the three business objects that can be managed using the fleet Management module.
A) Fleet equipment
B) Driver payroll
C) Fleet power units
D) Deliver time off, sick time, vacations, etc.
E) Driver work hours
2. During implementation, the Compliance Manager requests that Sanctioned Territory Screening should be performed against both SHIP_TO and BIL_TO both resulting controls displayed independently in the screening results.
What is the best way to set this up?
A) Set up two rules with different precedence under the same Rule Set. Use the EAR algorithm.
B) Set up two Rule Sets with one rule in each set. Use the CUMULATIVE algorithm.
C) Set up two rules with the same precedence under the same Rule Set. Use the EAR algorithm.
D) Set up two Rule Sets with one rule in each set. Use the EAR algorithm.
E) There is no way to do that in the current GTM release.
3. During Sanctioned Territory Screening, which of the following business objects is directly used as a parameter input?
A) Control Type
B) Compliance Rule Set Group
C) Control Code
D) Compliance Rule Set
E) Compliance Rule
4. Your customer has US and Germany orders.
How would you setup a User role with read/write access for US orders, and only read access for German orders?
A) Assign multiple User Role grants in User Role.
B) Assign multiple User Roles while creating User.
C) Access can be controlled via VPD profile along with external Predicates.
D) Access can be controlled via Access Control List and assign to User Role.
5. You are writing an order release agent and need to listen for an order modification event triggered by an integration update to the order release.
What is the impact to the agent process if you set the "before persist" flag on ORDER - MODIFIED event?
A) OTM stages the new data, will perform the agent actions, will not allow you to use certain actions.
B) OTM stages the new data but will not perform the agent action* if the data is not persisted properly.
C) OT M will persist the new data immediately after the agent is triggered and then perform the agent actions.
D) OTM will not persist the new data but will perform the agent actions as long as they do not require persisting the new data.
E) OTM will perform the agent actions but will not persist any changes to the object.
Question # 1 Answer: A,B,C | Question # 2 Answer: C | Question # 3 Answer: A | Question # 4 Answer: B | Question # 5 Answer: E |
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