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Brief Details
Following are the quick details related to the Oracle 1z0-102 Certification Exam
Pass Score: 67%
Exam Voucher: Candidates can purchase the exam vouchers on Oracle Education Portal. Voucher is valid for 6 months from the date of issue and is like a gift voucher which will get forfeited if not used within 6 months.
Exam Mode: Online Proctored Exam. Candidates can take the examination from any place at any time as per their convenience. Candidates also have the option to give exams at any of the authorized training centers. Candidates can select the exam mode based on their convenience at the time of registration.
Exam Registration: Candidates willing to appear for the exam have to purchase the exam voucher. Post purchasing the voucher, the candidate can register for the examination on Oracle Education Portal
Exam Name: Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: System Administration I
Exam Price: $245 (USD) Price may vary from country and localized currency rates
Exam Code: 1z0-102
Duration: 90 minutes
Exam type: Multiple Choice Questions
Number of Questions: 65 Questions
Exam Product Version: Oracle Database 11g
For more info visit:
Oracle WebLogic Server 11g: System Administration I
Target Audience
The Oracle 1z0-102 Certification Exam is targeted to the candidates having experience of working with Oracle Webservers and looking to pursue a career as WebLogic Server 11g System administrator.
Note: Oracle prohibits nationals of the embargoed territories of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, and Sudan from taking any Oracle test or from becoming certified.
Actual questions ensure 100% passing
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Topics to Cover
Oracle 1z0-102 Certification Exam is based on the learnings, key topics, and activities encountered during oracle pieces of training and implementations.
Following are the major topics along with the sub-skills, a candidate should cover while preparing for the examination. These topics will give the candidates a clear view of which topics and skills inclusive, one should focus on for the certification.
Note: The list and details are not an all-inclusive content list. Oracle reserves the right to change and update the content (topics and sub-skills) at any point in time.
Security Concepts and Configuration Describe a WebLogic Server security realm Migrate provider data using the admin console Create users and groups via the admin console Configure roles and policies via the admin console Configure roles and policies using application descriptors Configure Web application authentication using descriptors Configure the embedded LDAP authentication provider ADV. ADMIN - configure external ATN provider ADV. ADMIN - configure Auditing provider
Configuring Managed Server Use administrative console for configuring managed servers Use WebLogic scripting tool for configuring managed servers Start managed servers Shut down servers using WLST or administrative console Create managed servers on a remote machine with the pack and unpack Define managed server independence mode Create and use a boot properties file
Introduction to Clustering Describe WebLogic server cluster Compare basic to multi-tier cluster architectures Describe cluster communication
Define Java Enterprise Edition Terminology and Architecture Describe technologies in Java Enterprise Edition
Development Concepts Auto deploy the web application Edit web app deployment descriptors via the admin console Test deployed web applications via the admin console Describe the relationship between WebLogic and Web servers Deploy web application with WLST
Use the Administration Console and WLST Access WebLogic server administration console Describe various parts of the administration console Describe various parts of the help system Access admin console preferences Run WSLT script Describe common WSLT commands
Configuring Simple Domain Describe elements in WebLogic server domain Define WebLogic server domain Compare administration and managed servers Use the configuration wizard to create a simple domain Describe the organization and contents of a WebLogic Server domain directory Use scripts to auto Start and stop WebLogic server
Introduce Oracle Fusion Middleware Platform Describe oracle fusion middleware components Describe the relationship between the WebLogic server and fusion middleware components
Setting Up Java Message Service (JMS) Resources Describe JMS styles Describe WebLogic server JMS architecture Create and configure JMS server via the admin console Create and configure connection factory via the admin console Create a JMS module via the admin console Create and configure queues and topics via the admin console Configure persistent messaging configure thresholds and quotas Monitor JMS resources and messages
Configuring Cluster Create and configure cluster via the admin console Add servers to the cluster via the admin console Configure OHS as cluster proxy server Explain how proxy plug-ins perform load balancing and failover
Viewing and Managing Logs in Oracle WLS Environment Configure server logs in the admin console Interpret server log file entry Configure server standard output in the admin console Access logs via the admin console Create and apply log filter using the console
Backup and Recovery Operations Describe backup and recovery strategies Perform full offline backup Perform offline domain recovery Perform Instance Home backup Setup automatic backup of WLS configuration Start admin server on the backup computer
Protecting Against Attacks Configure secure sockets layer (SSL) for WLS Use keytool utilities Configure hostname verification Configure a network filter Set max post size Set post timeout Configure user name lockout via the admin console
Advanced Deployment Describe the deployment plan Create a deployment plan with WebLogic deployer Create a deployment plan via the admin console A use deployment plan with the application Deploy production redeployment (versioned applications) Define staging modes (stage, no stage, external stage)
Deploying Java EE Applications Describe structure and parts of Java web application and enterprise application Deploy WLS shared libraries Associate libraries with applications
Install Oracle WebLogic Server 11g Use the graphical installer to install WebLogic server Describe ORACLE_HOME, MIDDLEWARE_HOME, and WEBLOGIC_HOME Access help section in online and offline mode
Configuring Node Managers Configure machine and assign servers to it Describe capabilities of node manager Configure, start, and stop a Java-based Node Manager
Configuring Domain using Templates Use domain template builder to create a domain template Use the configuration wizard to extend the domain Describe products with WLS domain templates
Managing Clusters Deploy the application to a cluster Describe the replication of session state in a cluster Configure replication groups Configure in-memory session replication Configure Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) session replication Configure file session replication Describe state replication for stateful session EJBs Deploy services to a cluster (DataSource, MultiDataSource) and monitor
The candidate needs to go through and be proficient in every topic.

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