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Developing Windows Azure and Web Services 70-487 Dumps
Developing Windows Azure and Web Services 70-487 Dumps will include below mentioned topics with Exam focused percentage:
- Accessing Data 20-25%
- Query and manipulating data by using the Entity Framework 20-25%
- Designing and Implementing Web Services 15-20%
- Deploying Web Applications and Services 15-20%
- Creating and Consuming Web API-based services 20-25%
Microsoft 70-487 Exam Syllabus Topics:
Topic | Details | Weights |
Querying and Manipulating Data by Using the Entity Framework | Query and manipulate data by using the Entity Framework -Query, update, and delete data by using DbContext; build a query that uses deferred execution; implement lazy loading and eager loading; create and run compiled queries; query data by using Entity SQL; create global query filters Query and manipulate data by using Data Provider for Entity Framework -Query and manipulate data by using Connection, DataReader, and Command objects from the System.Data.EntityClient namespace; perform synchronous and asynchronous operations; manage transactions (API) Query data by using LINQ to Entities -Query data by using LINQ operators, including project, skip, aggregate, filter, and join; log queries; implement query boundaries Query and manipulate data by using ADO.NET -Query and manipulate data by using Connection, DataReader, and Command objects; perform synchronous and asynchronous operations; manage transactions Create an Entity Framework data model -Structure a data model using Table per type, table per class, and table per hierarchy; select and implement an approach to manage a data model, including code first, model first, and database first; implement POCO objects; describe a data model by using conceptual schema definitions, storage schema definitions, and mapping languages, including CSDL, SSDL, and MSL Implement Entity Framework with third party databases -Implement Entity Framework using MySQL and SQLite databases; design a strategy to manage differences between database capabilities; leverage database specific technologies, including ON DUPLICATE KEY using Entity Framework | 20-25% |
Accessing Data | Choose data access technologies -Choose a data access technology, including ADO.NET, Entity Framework, WCF Data Services, and Azure Cosmos DB, based on application requirements Implement caching -Cache static data, apply cache policies, including policy expirations; use CacheDependency to refresh cache data; query notifications; implement caching using Redis Implement transactions -Manage transactions by using the API from System.Transactions namespace; implement distributed transactions including distributed transaction on SQL Azure; specify a transaction isolation level Implement data storage in Microsoft Azure -Access data storage in Windows Azure; choose a data storage mechanism in Microsoft Azure. including blobs, tables, queues, Azure SQL, and Cosmos DB; distribute data by using the Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Azure File Sync; handle exceptions by using retries; use Elastic client library with Azure SQL Create and implement a WCF Data Services service -Address resources; implement filtering; create a query expression; access payload formats, including JSON; use data service interceptors and service operators; version a data service; implement data services providers; host the dataservice; use actions to implement server-side behavior | 20-25% |
Designing and Implementing Web Services | Consume a WCF service -Generate proxies by using SvcUtil; generate proxies by creating a service reference; create and implement channel factories; configure WCF services by using configuration settings; create and configure bindings for WCF services; relay bindings to Azure using service bus endpoints; integrate with the Azure service bus relay Implement serverless Azure Web Services -Host web services using App Services, including Logic Apps and API Apps; design and implement Azure Function based services; design and implement Azure Web Jobs; design and implement Service Fabric based web services; implement schedule-based processing in a serverless environment Implement traffic management in Azure -Implement Azure Load Balancer, including scaling; implement Azure Application Gateway; implement Azure Traffic Manager; design for multiple regions; leverage Azure CDN for caching web services; implement Log Analytics Implement Azure API Management -Secure Web Services using certificates, Azure Active Directory, and OAuth; define and implement policies, including secrets, caching, external services, monitoring and throttling; define API interface using the Azure Portal and Swagger; manage running services using logging, disaster recovery, and multiple regions Monitor web services -Collect logs and metrics using Azure Event Hubs; process logs and metrics using Azure Event Hubs, Stream Analytics, and Machine Learning; use Azure App Insights to monitor and troubleshoot web services | 15-20% |
Creating and Consuming Web API-based services | Design a Web API -Define HTTP resources with HTTP actions; plan appropriate URI space, and map URI space using routing; choose appropriate HTTP method to meet requirements; choose appropriate Web API formats for responses to meet requirements; plan when to make HTTP actions asynchronous Implement a Web API -Accept data in JSON format; use content negotiation to deliver different data formats to clients; define actions and parameters to handle data binding; implement dependency injection to create more flexible applications; implement action filters and exception filters to manage controller execution; implement asynchronous and synchronous actions; implement streaming actions; implement middleware Secure a Web API -Implement Identity for authentication; implement authorization using roles, claims, and custom authorization; implement Data Protection APIs; enable cross-domain requests (CORS); prevent cross-site request forgery (XSRF); implement and extend authorization filters to control access to applications Host and manage Web API -Host Web API in IIS; self-host a Web API in your own process; host Web API in Kestrel; host services in a Windows Azure Web App; host services in Docker containers; configure the host server for streaming; work with a hosting environment Consume Web API web services -Consume Web API services by using HttpClient; send and receive requests in different formats; handle retry logic; implement content negotiation; use Swagger to construct Uris and payloads; use AutoRest to build clients | 20-25% |
Deploying Web Applications and Services | Design a deployment strategy -Deploy using Web Deploy; deploy using Web Publishing in Visual Studio; deploy a web application by using XCopy; automate a deployment from VSTS or TFS Build Server; deploy a web application to a Docker container; design a continuous deployment pipeline; deploy using cloud sync Choose a deployment strategy for Azure -Determine appropriate service; perform an in-place upgrade and deployment slot swap; create staging environments; configure an upgrade domain; create and configure input and internal endpoints; specify operating system configuration; implement ARM templates to customize deployment; deploy to Service Fabric; deploy to Azure Stack Configure a web application for deployment -Switch from production or release mode to debug mode; transform configuration files ; configure Azure configuration settings; configure Azure Key Vault for application secrets; configure deployment credentials for Azure App Service Manage packages by using NuGet -Create and configure a NuGet package; install and update an existing NuGet package; resolve versioning conflict issues; connect to a local repository cache for NuGet, set up your own package repository; manage NuGet dependencies Share assemblies between multiple applications and servers -Prepare the environment for use of assemblies across multiple servers; sign assemblies by using a strong name; deploy assemblies to the global assembly cache; implement assembly versioning; create an assembly manifest; configure assembly binding redirects; target netstandard for cross platform libraries | 15-20% |
Reference: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/learning/exam-70-487.aspx
How to book MICROSOFT 70-487 Certifications Exam?
How to book MICROSOFT 70-487 Certifications Exam? - Visit to Microsoft Exam Registration - Signup/Login to MICROSOFT account - Search for MICROSOFT 70-487 Certifications Exam - Select Date and Center of examination and confirm with payment value of 165$
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