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Microsoft Designing and Providing Microsoft Volume Licensing Solutions for Small and Medium Organizations Sample Questions:
1. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is A Datum Corporation, a fast-growing consulting company that specializes in customer relationship management solutions.
Company Background
A Datum Corporation owns the following interests in two other companies:
Owns 51 percent of Contoso, Ltd, which produces accounting systems
management software.
Owns 100 percent of Fabrikam, Inc., which produces and administers customer service training.
The number of company employees is shown in the following table.
All three companies have a flexible work environment that allows employees to work from home.
Network Description
All employees of all three companies have their own desktop. The desktops run either
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional, and various versions of
Microsoft Office.
The number of servers for each company is shown in the following table.
All servers currently run Windows 2000 Server.
The software refresh cycle is two years. However, it is difficult for the employees and the IT staff to keep current with the new technology.
Current Licensing Solution
The two affiliate companies do their own purchasing and often pay a higher price for their software than A Datum Corporation pays.
Business Goals
The three companies share many of the same customers and sometimes work on the same projects. The president of A Datum Corporation wants to implement Microsoft
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to allow the employees in all three companies to collaborate internally and to allow the customers of all three companies to access some of the data as needed.
The president of A Datum Corporation has the following goals:
Upgrade the servers in all three companies to Windows Server 2003.
Standardize operating systems across the companies.
Standardize desktop applications across the companies to decrease support costs.
Implement Microsoft Exchange across all three companies in the next six months so that all employees can use Outlook Web Access.
Sales are expected to increase significantly over the next three years, and the number of employees is also expected to increase.
End of repeated scenario
You need to advise the company when it should consider a licensing program change during the next three years.
Which change in the companys environment would require a change in the companys licensing program?
A) an increase in the number of customers
B) an increase in the number of office locations
C) an increase in the number of employees and desktops
D) an increase in the number of servers
2. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Graphic Design Institute, a company that provides graphic design services for small businesses.
Company Background
Graphic Design Institute has 60 employees. The company expects the number of employees to increase by 10 percent each year for the next five years.
The company has the following departments:
Human resources (HR)
Hardware and software have been added as needed by employees with no oversight or control. The company recently hired an IT manager and asked her to evaluate the current environment and to propose a plan to support the companys expected growth.
Network Description
The company has three servers. Each runs Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0, and one also runs Microsoft Exchange Server.
The company has 60 desktops, of which the following groups have software configurations as described in the following table.
Current Licensing Solution
The purchase records for the current software are incomplete. The IT manager has no way to prove ownership of the Office software that is currently being used.
Business Goals
The president of the company wants to control IT costs. However, he also wants to stay current with the latest software versions.
The IT manager does not have staff, so she needs to leverage all the resources she can.
The IT manager has the following goals:
Replace the three existing servers with a single server running Microsoft Small
Business Server 2003.
Replace the 21 desktops in group Y.
Standardize the remaining desktops, except those in group Z, to Windows XP
Professional and Office 2003 Professional.
End of repeated scenario
The IT manager purchases 21 replacement desktops with OEM Windows XP Professional and Office 2003 Professional installed.
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing solution for all the desktops.
What should you recommend?
A) Acquire licenses and Software Assurance for the Windows XP Professional upgrade and Office 2003 Professional for the 35 desktops in groups W and X. Acquire only Software Assurance for the 21 new desktops.
B) Acquire only Software Assurance for the 20 desktops in group W, which are currently licensed for Windows XP Professional. Acquire licenses and Software Assurance for Windows XP Professional for any remaining desktops. Acquire license and Software Assurance for Office 2003 Professional for all desktops.
C) Acquire licenses and Software Assurance for Office 2003 Professional for the 56 desktops in groups W, X, and Y. Acquire only Software Assurance for the Windows XP Professional upgrade for these 56 desktops.
D) Acquire licenses and Software Assurance for Office 2003 Professional and the Windows XP Professional upgrade for the 56 desktops in groups W, X, and Y.
3. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Litware, Inc., a large company that has
15,000 employees.
Company Background
Litware, Inc. has 15 locations in North America and six locations in Europe and Asia. The companys two divisions are the custom software division and the hosting services division.
Both divisions are experiencing significant sales growth.
The custom software division creates custom software solutions that account for 75 percent of the total revenue for Litware, Inc. The hosting services division offers Microsoft
Exchange and Web hosting services for customers around the world. The company frequently adds 1,000 developers and testers for up to 28 months to work on specific projects.
Network Description
The custom software division creates highly integrated solutions by using Microsoft SQL
Server. The solutions must be delivered and deployed by using custom installation media.
In the past, Litware, Inc., purchased SQL Server through Full Package Product (FPP). This purchasing method no longer meets the companys solution deployment needs.
The hosting services division has one server farm that contains 500 servers. These servers run Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft Exchange Server, Microsoft Operations Manager
Server, Microsoft Systems Management Server, and Microsoft Internet Security and
Acceleration Server. These applications are licensed through the companys current Select
License agreement.
Current Licensing Solution
Litware, Inc. has no established purchasing procedures. Each location has a different set of desktop products.
The offices in Europe and in Asia acquire software licenses under Open License and FPP purchases. The offices do not have Software Assurance for the servers or the desktops.
The offices in North America acquire software licenses through a Select License agreement that has Software Assurance for the servers.
Business Goals
The companys executive team suspects that the various locations do not keep track of software purchases and could not prove ownership if the company is audited. The team wants to standardize all desktops.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate licensing solution for Litware, Inc.
What should you recommend?
A) Acquire Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) licenses for the hosted products.Acquire a Services Provider Licensing Agreement (SPLA) for the custom software solutions. Acquire an Enterprise Agreement for the companys internal use.
B) Acquire Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) licenses for the custom software solutions.Acquire an Enterprise Subscription Agreement for the companys internal use and for the hosted products.
C) Choose the Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Royalty Licensing Program for the custom software solutions. Acquire a Services Provider Licensing Agreement (SPLA) for hosted products.Acquire an Enterprise Subscription Agreement for the companys internal use.
D) Choose the Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Royalty Licensing Program for the custom software solutions and for the hosted products.Acquire an Enterprise Agreement for the companys internal use.
4. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is A Datum Corporation, a fast-growing consulting company that specializes in customer relationship management solutions.
Company Background
A Datum Corporation owns the following interests in two other companies:
Owns 51 percent of Contoso, Ltd, which produces accounting systems
management software.
Owns 100 percent of Fabrikam, Inc., which produces and administers customer service training.
The number of company employees is shown in the following table.
All three companies have a flexible work environment that allows employees to work from home.
Network Description
All employees of all three companies have their own desktop. The desktops run either
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional, and various versions of
Microsoft Office.
The number of servers for each company is shown in the following table.
All servers currently run Windows 2000 Server.
The software refresh cycle is two years. However, it is difficult for the employees and the IT staff to keep current with the new technology.
Current Licensing Solution
The two affiliate companies do their own purchasing and often pay a higher price for their software than A Datum Corporation pays.
Business Goals
The three companies share many of the same customers and sometimes work on the same projects. The president of A Datum Corporation wants to implement Microsoft
SharePoint Portal Server 2003 to allow the employees in all three companies to collaborate internally and to allow the customers of all three companies to access some of the data as needed.
The president of A Datum Corporation has the following goals:
Upgrade the servers in all three companies to Windows Server 2003.
Standardize operating systems across the companies.
Standardize desktop applications across the companies to decrease support costs.
Implement Microsoft Exchange across all three companies in the next six months so that all employees can use Outlook Web Access.
Sales are expected to increase significantly over the next three years, and the number of employees is also expected to increase.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend the most appropriate software acquisition process for A Datum
What should you recommend?
A) Each company must have a separate agreement.
B) Consolidate software acquisitions for Contoso, Ltd, and Fabrikam, Inc., under one agreement. A Datum Corporation must have its own agreement.
C) Consolidate all software acquisitions under one agreement for all three companies.
D) Consolidate software acquisitions for A Datum Corporation and Fabrikam, Inc., under one agreement. Contoso, Ltd, must have its own agreement.
5. You are a licensing specialist. Your customer is Consolidated Messenger, a messenger company.
Company Background
Consolidated Messenger has 120 employees who work in the companys office in Toronto.
The company recently acquired another messenger company that has 35 employees who work in an office in Montreal and five employees who are field sales representatives.
Consolidated Messenger anticipates a 75 percent increase in sales over the next two years.
Network Description
The Toronto office of Consolidated Messenger has 120 desktops that run Microsoft
Windows 2000 Professional. One hundred of the desktops run Microsoft Office 2000
Standard and 20 run Office XP Professional. The Toronto office also has a single server, which runs Windows 2000 Advanced Server.
The Montreal office of the newly acquired company has a single server, which runs
Microsoft Small Business Server 2000. The office also has 35 desktops that run Windows
98 and Office 97. The sales representatives connect to the server remotely by using
Terminal Server.
Current Licensing Solution
Consolidated Messenger acquired licenses through an Open Business agreement. The
Montreal company purchased software through retail channels and OEM.
Business Goals
The IT manager at Consolidated Messenger has the following goals:
Upgrade Windows 2000 Server to Windows Server 2003.
Standardize both offices on the same desktop software.
Deploy Windows Server 2003 at the Montreal office.
Manage and track all software licenses for both companies.
Deploy Microsoft Exchange Server in both offices within two years.
Due to budget constraints, Consolidated Messenger seeks a solution that can help the two companies stay current without making large software purchases.
End of repeated scenario
You need to recommend a payment structure for Consolidated Messenger.
What should you recommend?
A) Pay up front for the initial order. Pay for additional products as needed.
B) Pay for licenses monthly, as needed.
C) Spread payments for the initial order throughout the term of the agreement. Pay for additional products as needed.
Question # 1 Answer: C | Question # 2 Answer: A | Question # 3 Answer: C | Question # 4 Answer: C | Question # 5 Answer: C |
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